Projects and Work

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Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
  • Archives and manuscripts

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This section includes projects and work carried out by the Tavistock Institute from the war period up to the 1990s. A number of records from the mid 1990s onwards have not yet been catalogued. Some earlier records are also still uncatalogued, and need to be integrated to the series they belong to. Uncatalogued records for earlier projects include files from:

Open University Systems Group project; Jebsens; Leverhulme; project on communication and conflict, 1970s; Special Case Officers; Social Services Department: Newham, 1989; Hugh Murray's WOSB paper "The Transformation of Selection Procedures" ; Informal Carers (1980s); Research Database and lists of projects (project administration and lists of projects) 1980s; Cotswold Community, 1980s; Organisational Objectives and Role Analysis Study Study in the Personnel Services Department, 1968; Influence of Workers' Participation on the Improvement of Working Conditions (Dublin, EEC), 1980s; Michael Foster organisational projects and papers, 1970s; Music Hire Group of Companies: salesmen, c1950s; The Working Climate of the Selling Organisation of a Marketing Company, 1952; Notes on Organisational Theory and Job Design, 1969; Application for study on White-Collar Unionism and the Fiscal Crisis in Local Government, 1983; NCB recruitment and selection systems, 1980s; Unilever material, 1960s.

Later records from c.1990s onwards have not yet been catalogued. These include a large quantity of records relating to EU projects, organisational change, and EDRU records. Other projects from this period include: Training Support Programmme, Enterprise in Higher Education, New Deal, Residential Child Care initiative, Children’s Act project, People’s network evaluation project, Audit and Evaluation of NDDP Innovative schemes, Work/life balance, Multi-action in the Community, and others.

To request access to these uncatalogued materials, please contact with further details about what you would like to see. Please note we need at least six weeks' notice to process requests, which are considered on a case by case basis.

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