Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 25

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Contains: 446 images

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Manchester & Salford Sanitary Association Annual Report. 1864.

Ventilation by means of the patent Pneumatic or Anti-syphon. n.d.

Costless ventilation, from the Builder. 1862.

Ventilation, by Berkeley Hill. n.d.

Sketch of the Geography of epidemic Yellow fever since the close of the last century, by Galvin Milroy. n.d.

Suggestions for the improvement of Hospitals for the sick and wounded, by John Robertson. 1858.

Public Health, some unsolved problems, by M.R. Cornish. 1864.

The preservation of meat, the new process, by J. Morgan. 1864.

National health and wealth, by Rev. Henry Moule. 1861.

Patent Vapour-fed Stove and Grate. n.d.

Additional statements to plans for the drainage of towns, by Mr. W. Menzies. 1865.

Application of charcoal Air-filters to ventilation and disinfection of Sewers, by John Stenhouse. 1861.

Influence of marriage on the mortality of the French people, by William Farr. 1859.

Points on the composition of wheat-grain, its products in the Mill & bread, by J.B. Lawes & J.H. Gilbert. 1857.

Essay on Trichinosis its prevention & cure, by Julius Althaus. 1864.

Disinfection, by Johann Waltl, (in German). 1861.

Form of exercise for the examination of recruits, by T. Longmore. 1823.

For and against tobacco, by Benjamin Ward Richardson. 1865.

Treatise on smoky chinneys, by Frederick Edwards Jnr. 1864.

Typhus fever, an abtract of an account in some cases in the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta, by Dr. S. Goodeve Chuckerbutty. 1864.

Lebre von den Trichinen, by Dr. R. Birchow. 1864.

Militar-chirurbisvhe fragmente, by Dr. E. Gurlt. 1864.

Influence of the knapsack on the health of the infantry soldier, by W.C. MacLean. n.d.

How people may live and not die in India, by Florence Nightingale. 1864.

Discussion on Hygiene in Hospitals, by H.B. Larry. 1864.

Can India be colonized by Europeans. n.d.

Directions on recordings of cases of primary venereal lesion, by Thomas Longmore. 1864.

The station of Mooltan, by Assis. Surg. R.T. Lyons-Bengal Army. n.d.



Physical description

1 volume

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection.

Terms of use

Open and available by appointment at the Museum of Military Medicine. A digitised copy is available to view via the online catalogue on the Wellcome Collection website.


Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

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