Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 23

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Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 23. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.


The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

About this work


Re-examination von 1400 recruten in bezug auf die koeperlange, den brustunfang, das gewicht, die vitale lungencapacitat und die krafte derselben, by Dr. B. Korber. 1872.

Recruiting question considered from a Military & Medical point of view, by L. Adams. 1874.

History of the Medical Staff of the English Army, by W.R.E. Smart. 1873.

Instructions for armies in camaign (German), by Crede. n.d.

Beitrage zur Ernähungsfraze, by Dr. J. Forster. n.d.

Ueber die bedentung des leimes bie deB Ernahrung, by Carl Voit. n.d.

Ueber die Zersetzungsworgange in Thierkörper Futterung mit Fleisch und Kohlehydraten und Kohlehydrates allein, by M. Pattenkofer & C. Voit. 1869.

Luxus consumption, by C. Voit. 1867.

Alkohols in Fieber, by G. Strassburg. 1874.

Composition of the flesh of Salmon "Clean" & "Foul", by Sir R. Christison. 1871.

Cholera in white mice, by H. Ranke. n.d.

Extracts of meat, by Baron Liebig. n.d.

Causes of Goitre, by B. Wilson. 1874.

Daily Periodicity in the vital functions of man, by J. Finlayson. 1873.

Daily range of normal temperature in India, by A. Crombie. 1874.

Light on Retina, by MacKendrich. 1874.

Glycogenic functions in the Liver, by G.M. Smith. n.d.

13 cases of transfusion, by A. Higginson. n.d.

Antagonism of active substances, by T.R. Frazer. 1882.

Seeluft und der Gebingsluft, by Dr. Beneke. 1873.

Atomis weight of substances and their physiological action, by J. Blake. 1873.

Action of intercostal muscles, by A. Ransome. 1872.

Pathology and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, by Brunton. 1859.

Urine of the insane, by A. Addison. 1865.

Use of the clinical thermometer, by J. Findlayson. n.d.

Lectures on Public Health, by Poore. 1874.

Indian Venomous snakes, Pt.I & II. by T.L. Brunton & J. Fayrer. 1873.

Action of Mercury on the Liver, by T.L. Brunton. 1873.

Artificial respiration and transfusion as a means of preserving life, by T.L. Brunton. 1873.



Physical description

1 volume

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection.

Terms of use

Open and available by appointment at the Museum of Military Medicine. A digitised copy is available to view via the online catalogue on the Wellcome Collection website.


Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

Permanent link