Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 12

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Royal Army Medical Corps Muniments Collection
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Contains: 385 images

Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 12. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.


The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

About this work


Die Pathologische Anatomie, by Prof. W. Griesinger. 1852.

Untersuchungen, by H. Ranke. 1851.

Medicine und Chirurgie, by Dr. C. Vierordt. 1859.

Vesicularen Athmens, by August Klein. 1858.

Nebennierenkrankheit, by Ludwig Wagner. 1858.

Geburtsmechanismus, by Christoph Melchior. 1857.

Gelenkchondrome, by Ludwig Friederich Konig. 1858.

Die Heilung des Gesichtsschmerzes, by Christian Frank. 1858.

Ueber das Ganglion crepitans Acrelii, by Emil Weichel. 1858.

Beitrag zur Kenntniß der Myeloidgeschwulste, by C.K. Derscheidt. 1858.

Die Brechungsindices der durchsichtigen Medien des menschlichen auges, by Dr. W. Krause. 1855.

Die Cholera als Krankheit der Haut, by J.L. Staeger. 1850.

Geschichte der Forschungen uber den Geburtsmechanismus, by Gustav knoes. 1854.

Ueber Blutungen aus der Babelschnur und dem nabel, by Joseph Tourelle. 1854.

Recherches sur la Physiologie du Diabetes Sucre, by Dr. Harley. n.d.



Physical description

1 volume

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection.

Terms of use

Open and available by appointment at the Museum of Military Medicine. A digitised copy is available to view via the online catalogue on the Wellcome Collection website.


Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

Permanent link