Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 1

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Parkes Pamphlet Collection: Volume 1. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Source: Wellcome Collection.


The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

About this work


G. Buchanan, Sanitary Statistics & Proceedings in St. Giles District, 1862.

Rev. Samuel Haughton, The Natural Constants of the Healthy Urine of Man, 1862.

Dr. C. Bohm, Der Versuchsban und der Sonnenbrenner, 1862.

W. Murray, On the investigation of instinctive movement, 1863.

J.M.Begbie, The Diagnostic value of an accentuated Cardiac second sound, 1863.

Joseph Lister, On the coagulation of the Blood, 1863.

J.M.Begbie, Vascular Bronchocele & Exophthalmos, 1863.

Arthur Hassell, On the developement of Toralae in the Urine, 1853.

Henry W. Acland, Report on the general sanitary condition of Cowley Industrial School, 1863.

A. Naquet, Des Sucres, 1863.

Directors of James Murray's Royal Asylum for Lunatics, 36th. Annual Report, 1863.

Appendix to report of Physicians, n.d.

Form of exercise for the examination of Recruits, 1863.

Marc Thury, Notice on the law of the production of sexes in plants, animals & men, 1863.

Rev. Samuel Haughton, The phenomena of Diabetes Mellitus, 1863.

James Dowie, Remarks on the loss of Muscular power, 1863.

W.H.O. Sankey, The pathology of general Paresis, n.d.

W.T. Fox, The nature of so-called "Parasites" of the skin, 1864.

C.A. Gordon, Remarks on a proposed system of sea transport for troops, 1864.

W.F. Teevan, On tumours in voluntary muscles, n.d.

T.R. Curling, Observations on sterility in man, 1864.



Physical description

1 volume

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by Wellcome Collection.

Terms of use

Open and available by appointment at the Museum of Military Medicine. A digitised copy is available to view via the online catalogue on the Wellcome Collection website.

Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at The Museum of Military Medicine.

Permanent link