
Part of:
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
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  • Online

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Available online

Contains: 276 images

Access conditions

Works in this archive created by or for Henry Wellcome or the Wellcome organisation are available under a CC-BY license. Please be aware that works in this archive created by other organisations and individuals are not covered under this license, and you should obtain any necessary permissions before copyright or adapting any such works.

About this work


Persons or organisations featured in this material include:

Wade; H

Waard; R D

Waddell; Lt Col

Wadham; Dr F

Waiapu, New Zealand, Bishop of

Wakefield; Thomas

Waldstein; Dr Charles

Walker; T W

Walker; Thaddeus

Wall; T Campbell

Warnill; P

War Office; Director of Special Intelligence

Waters; Albert N

Warren; Rev T E

Watson-Williams; P

Watts; G Carey

Wax Workers; Names of

Webb; Wilfred M

Webster; Miss A G

Weekley Dispatch

Weighton; Arthur

Waiss; John and Don

Weller; H W

Wellington; Duke of

Wesley; William & Son

Westcott; Dr Martyn

Wheatley; Geo W & Co

Wheeler; Miss

White; F Ashford

White; Prof Philip J

White; W Hale

White; W L

Whitehead; Jeffrey

Whitelaw; R

Whiteley; William Ltd

Whitley; W

Wiesbaden Kurhaus

Wile; W S

Wickie; Mrs

Willet; Edgar

Williams; Campbell

Willis; J W

Wills & Simmons

Wilson; Dr

Wilson; Dr John D

Wilson; Wright

Wishard; Dr J S

Woman’s Imperial Health Association

Wood; Miss E

Woolf; F W

Woollatt; Dr Geo H

Woolley; Dr F Duke

Wrench; Mrs A E

Wright; Editor Australasian Pharmaceutical Notes and News

Wright; Prof J

Wykes; Mrs E

Wallace; Sir Cuthbert

Ward; Mrs Herbert

‘Weekly Dispatch’

Weijl’s Correspondentie Bureau vor Dagbladen

Weinberger; Dr B W

Wells; John E H

Whaley; Colonel a M

Wilde; F

Williamson; Dr Sidney

Wise; Sydney

Woods; Sir Robert

Wyatt; W

Wallis; Dr Curtis

Wheeler; G W

Wilson David



Physical description

1 file

Acquisition note


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores
    OpenOnline request

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