'Paira Mall'

Part of:
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library
  • Archives and manuscripts

Collection contents

About this work


These files contain material relating to the work of Paira Mall as a collecting agent for the WHMM. Between 1911 and 1921 he travelled widely on behalf of the Museum in India and the Far East, gathering an extensive collection of oriental manuscripts and objects and his correspondence with CJST and the expenses accounts he submitted help to provide a detailed picture of his travels. CO/Ear/560-568 appear to be Thompson's files including carbons of his letters to Paira Mall and the originals of Mall's replies. CO/Ear/569, on the other hand, includes signed originals of Thompson's letters to Mall and probably constitutes Mall's side of the correspondence, added to the main sequence at a later date. CO/Ear/570-574 are files of Mall's expenses accounts. CO/Ear/560 also includes a later [c.1980s] list of the contents of the files, including a geographical index of places mentioned in the correspondence. The numbering system used in this list has been noted as 'original reference' in the descriptions which follow.



Physical description

15 files

Acquisition note


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