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  • Two male gay couples and two heterosexual couples embrace representing safe sex and AIDS; advertisment about information on HIV/AIDS by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Lithograph by Warwick May.
  • Semen-filled condoms form the background to the message that 75% of all new HIV infections are transmitted through heterosexual intercourse. Colour lithograph by Matthias Herrmann for the Real AIDS Grazer Kunst Verein, 1993.
  • A heterosexual couple, a gay couple, and a lesbian couple with a latex glove, condom and lubricant representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • A gay couple, a heterosexual couple and a lesbian couple with a latex glove, condom and lubricant representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • A lesbian couple, a gay couple and a heterosexual couple all holding condoms and lubricant and gloves representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • A man in a white vest and jeans with his arms folded against a hazy grey background and the words in German: "My brother is heterosexual. I am proud of him"; an anti-AIDS poster by Stefan Thiel. Lithograph.
  • A couple walking arm in arm along Winterfeldtstrasse in Berlin-Schöneberg, unaware that a flower-pot is about to fall down on them from a balcony above; warning of the unexpected danger of HIV to heterosexual people. Colour lithograph by Positiv & Hetero, 199-.
  • A world map with figures and statistics highlighting the numbers of those with the HIV virus; with the message that over 50% of heterosexual HIV transmission in Norway occurs abroad; an advertisement by The Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Colour lithograph by , ca. 1995.
  • For sexual transmission of HIV to occcur, body fluids (blood or semen) must enter the partner's body through the vagina, rectum or penis : A condom should be used in heterosexual sex for both vaginal and anal sex (for anal sex a stronger condom should be used) ... / Scottish AIDS Monitor ; photography by Alasdair Foster.
  • For sexual transmission of HIV to occcur, body fluids (blood or semen) must enter the partner's body through the vagina, rectum or penis : A condom should be used in heterosexual sex for both vaginal and anal sex (for anal sex a stronger condom should be used) ... / Scottish AIDS Monitor ; photography by Alasdair Foster.