Lectures on Anatomy and Midwifery

Mid 17th century
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


A date was apparently written at the end, but a patch of sealing-wax has obliterated all but the final figure.

All the writing on this page is considerably later than that of the text, which is in a clear mid-seventeenth century hand. At the top of fo. 1, in Bateman's handwriting is a cryptograph reading as follows:- ADo1m4fExt4fR5d210Gr4fm20C50359D5Lcis10Gr4 fR193m4fj1lep7m1k23738743D4929. This I have succeeded in deciphering, and it proves to be a prescription: "A dram of Extract of Rudius, 10 grains of Mercurius dulcis, 10 grains of Resin of Jalap. Make it into three doses." The writer of the cipher has made several mistakes in using the cryptograph.

Shorthand is used four times in the manuscript; on pages 117, 147, 151, 154.

The pages are numbered 1-167, page 1 being folio 2 recto.


Mid 17th century

Physical description

85 folios, closely written on both sides 4to. 19.5 × 15 cm. Modern binding.

Finding aids

Described in: Warren R. Dawson, Manuscripta medica. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of the Medical Society of London (London, 1932).

Ownership note

In the centre of folio 1, in very large letters, are the initials L (i.e., Ex Libris) and B. C. D. At the foot of the page is added "sed nunc Johanes Bateman Ejus Liber ... 6." The book evidently passed into the hands of the unknown owners B. C. D., and John Bateman, in the eighteenth century. This John Bateman may possibly be the surgeon of that name who was the father of the physician Thomas Bateman (1778-1821).


Where to find it

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    Closed stores


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