3,256 results filtered with: Anatomy
- Ephemera
In the Zone at home / Wellcome Trust.
Date: [2012?]- Books
Cunningham's manual of practical anatomy.
Cunningham, D. J. (Daniel John), 1850-1909.Date: 1920- Books
Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie / Von Carl Rokitansky.
Rokitansky, Karl, Freiherr von, 1804-1878.Date: 1842-1846 [vol. I, 1846]- Books
Léonard de Vinci, dessins anatomiques (anatomie artistique, descriptive et fonctionnelle) / choix et présentation par Pierre Huard.
Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519.Date: 1968- Archives and manuscripts
Cline, Henry (1750-1827)
Cline, Henry, 1750-1827.Date: c.1760-1821Reference: MSS.1672-1683 & 6008-6009- Books
Cosmopolitæ historia naturalis : comprehendens humani corporis atomiam & anatomicam delineationem, ab ipsis primis fœtus rudimentis in utero, usque ad perfectum & adultum statum, lumine præclaro generationem hominis & efformationem exhibens.
Everaerts, Anthony, -1679.Date: 1686- Books
Essential anatomy : a guide to important principles / J. Joseph.
Joseph, J. (Jack), 1913-1998.Date: 1971- Books
Gabrielis Falloppii medici Mvtinensis Obseruationes anatomicæ : ad Petrvm Mannam, medicum Cremonensem / [Gabriele Falloppio].
Falloppio, Gabriele, 1523-1562.Date: 1562- Books
Anatomical lectures : Prelectiones anatomie universalis, De musculis / edited, with an introduction, translation and notes by Gweneth Whitteridge.
Harvey, William, 1578-1657.Date: 1964- Books
Professor Vic Harrison.
Date: 1996- Books
Anatomie humaine : parasitologie : morhologie végétale.
Date: [between 1930 and 1939?]- Books
- Online
Questions de thèse soutenues à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 18 avril 1838 / par V.-Adolphe Gaullet.
Gaullet, V. Adolphe.Date: 1838- Archives and manuscripts
'Notes on Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Dr. Roberts. Summer Session 1880. University College London'
Date: 1880Reference: MSS.2690-2691Part of: Halliburton, William Dobinson (1860-1931)- Books
Anatomia per uso dei pittori e scultori / Di Giuseppe Del Medico.
Del Medico, Giuseppe.Date: 1811- Books
Essais anatomiques, contenant l'histoire exacte de toutes les parties qui composent le corps de l'homme, avec le maniere de dissequer / [Joseph Lieutaud].
Lieutaud, Joseph, 1703-1780.Date: 1742- Digital Images
- Online
Plate XLIX. Various surgical treatments on the eye.
- Books
- Online
Surgical anatomy / by Joseph Maclise.
Maclise, Joseph.Date: 1859- Books
Lehrbuch der Anatomie und Physiologie für Krankenschwestern / von Gottfried Hartmann.
Hartmann, G. (Gottfried)Date: 1952- Pictures
- Online
Muscles of the head and neck: an écorché seen in profile. Lithograph by N.H Jacob, 1831/1854.
Jacob, N. H. (Nicolas Henri), 1781-1871.Date: [1831/1854]Reference: 564129i- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0012828: Dedication to Queen Elizabeth from Thomas Geminus: Compendiosa...anatomiae delineatio (1545)
Date: January 1953Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/114/62Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
De sedibus et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis libri quinque / Jo. Bapt. Morgagni.
Morgagni Giambattista, 1682-1771.Date: 1827-29- Books
Tavole anatomiche per li pittori, e gli scultori / di Giambattista Sabattini.
Sabattini, Giambattista.Date: 1814- Pictures
- Online
Skull: two figures, showing side and front views. Watercolour by A. Mongrédien, ca. 1880.
Mongrédien, Adêle.Date: 1880Reference: 568422i- Digital Images
- Online
Plate 6, Surgical anatomy of the axilla.
N. H. Jacob- Books
The anatomie of the bodie of man / by Thomas Vicary ... The edition of 1548, as re-issued by the surgeons of St. Bartholomew's in 1577 ; with a life of Vicary, notes on surgeons in England, Bartholomew's Hospital, and London, in Tudor times, an appendix of documents, edited by Fredk. J. Furnivall ... and Percy Furnivall.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561.Date: 1888