574 results filtered with: Reproduction
- Books
Cosmopolitæ historia naturalis : comprehendens humani corporis atomiam & anatomicam delineationem, ab ipsis primis fœtus rudimentis in utero, usque ad perfectum & adultum statum, lumine præclaro generationem hominis & efformationem exhibens.
Everaerts, Anthony, -1679.Date: 1686- Books
Comparative biology of reproduction in mammals : the proceedings of an international symposium / edited by I.W. Rowlands.
Date: 1966- Books
Immunology of human reproduction / edited by James S. Scott and Warren R. Jones.
Date: 1976- Books
A child against all odds / Robert Winston.
Winston, Robert M. L.Date: 2006- Books
- Online
L'oeuf humain : implantation et gestation, trophoderme et placenta / par A.-C.-F. Eternod.
Eternod, Auguste Charles François, 1854-Date: 1909- Books
- Online
Tableau de l'amour conjugal / par N. Venette.
Venette, Nicolas, 1633-1698Date: 1837- Books
Reproduction in mammals / edited by C.R. Austin, R.V. Short.
Date: 1982-- Books
How a baby is born : what every child should know / by K. De Scweinitz.
De Schweinitz, Karl, 1887-1975.Date: 1931- Books
The antisterility vitamine, fat soluble E / Herbert McLean Evans and George O. Burr ; with the assistance of Theodore L. Althausen.
Evans, Herbert M. (Herbert McLean), 1882-1971.Date: 1927- Books
The comparative endocrinology of vertebrates. Part 1, The comparative physiology of reproduction and the effects of sex hormones in vertebrates : proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Zoology, University of Liverpool from 12 to 16 July, 1954 / edited on behalf of the Society for Endocrinology by I. Chester Jones & P. Eckstein.
Date: 1955- Books
- Online
Le sporophyte et le gamétophyte du végétal : le soma et le germen de l'insecte / Charles Janet.
Janet, Charles, 1849-1932.Date: 1912- Books
Venus physique, contenant deux dissertations, l'une, sur l'origine des hommes et des animaux: et l'autre, sur l'origine des noirs / [Anon].
Maupertuis, 1698-1759.Date: 1746- Books
Women's secrets : a translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus's De secretis mulierum with commentaries / Helen Rodnite Lemay.
Date: [1992], ©1992- Books
Aristotle's compleat master piece. : In three parts: ... To which is added, A treasure of health; or, The family physician.
Aristotle, pseud.Date: 1766- Books
- Online
La génération de l'homme, ou tableau de l'amour conjugal, considéré dans l'état du mariage. / Par M. Nicolas Venette.
Venette, Nicolas, 1633-1698Date: M. DCC. LXXI. [1771]- Books
Prof Thaddeus Mann.
Date: 1993- Books
The science of a new life / by John Cowan.
Cowan, John, 1932-Date: 1869- Books
Plundered kitchens, empty wombs : threatened reproduction and identity in the Cameroon grassfields / Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg.
Feldman-Savelsberg, Pamela, 1958-Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
Reproduction and man / R.J. Harrison.
Harrison, Richard J. (Richard John), 1920-1999.Date: [1967], ©1967- Books
The reproductive system / Kathryn H. Hollen.
Hollen, Kathryn H.Date: 2004- Books
Les fonctions sexuelles mâles et leurs troubles : introduction à la clinique de l'impuissance / par Stanislas Higier.
Higier, Stanislas.Date: 1932- Books
Michelmore, Susan.Date: 1964- Books
Reproductive medicine : from A to Z / editor, H.E. Reiss ; principal authors, Peter Brinsden [and others].
Date: 1998- Journals
Reproductive health matters.
Date: 1993-2018- Pictures
- Online
A seated female figure with a dissected abdomen. Photograph after a woodcut, ca. 1525-1530.
Reference: 26792i