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  • Line Drawing: Human Sacrifice, Aztecs
  • Pagan sacrifice. Engraving.
  • The serpent sacrifice. Chromolithograph.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Etching.
  • Pagan sacrifice to a goddess. Engraving.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Sanguine stipple engraving.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Engraving after L. Lombard.
  • Noah preparing his first sacrifice after the Flood; the Tower of Babel; God responds to Noah's sacrifice with a rainbow. Etching by J. Hulett.
  • A pagan sacrifice. Etching by A. Fabri after Raphael.
  • Ming tombs, Peking: the Lingendian (Hall of Prominent Favour or Great Sacrifice Hall) at Changling. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.