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  • Hats of a patient with osteitis deformans
  • Men in cloaks with large hats and women in dresses and jackets with flat hats. Etching.
  • Chinese hats and belts. Gouache painting.
  • Five illustrations showing different styles of hats and wigs. Etching.
  • Hat makers: interior view, various implements used in the making of hats. Engraving.
  • Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins, trying on hats in a hat shop. Photograph, c. 1927.
  • A manacled man is lead to prison by soldiers wearing tricorn hats. Etching.
  • A man and a woman, both wearing enormous hats. Etching by J. Gillray.
  • Chinese buttons and adornments for hats and costumes to signify rank. Gouache painting.
  • Three hatters at work in their workshop, with hats on display. Woodcut by J. Amman.