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  • Forty eight bishops of Chichester. Engraving by Thomas King, 1812, after T. Bernardi, 1519.
  • Saints, martyrs, blessed and bishops of the Augustinian order. Engraving by Oliviero Gatti, 1614.
  • Saints, martyrs, blessed and bishops of the Augustinian order. Engraving by Oliviero Gatti, 1614.
  • The martyrdoms of the Bishops Ridley and Latimer: both men are stripped to the waist, tied together to a stake and burnt alive. Etching by Taylor after D. Dodd.
  • Ghosts of bishops appearing to a young man; their names are given to him by a wizard. Engraving by B. Winkles after J. Salmon.
  • To meet the archbishops and bishops : the Lord Mayor & the Lady Mayoress request the honour of the company of... July 8th... / The Mansion House, London.
  • A naked witch carried on the shoulders of a monster sings from a choirbook held with pincers by two grotesque bishops while two apelike swimmers look on. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • A naked witch carried on the shoulders of a monster sings from a choirbook held with pincers by two grotesque bishops while two apelike swimmers look on. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Martyred saints of the Augustinian order, who died under persecution through the Vandals in Africa, bishops and saints of the order and representations of the individual Augustinian orders. Engraving by Oliviero Gatti, 1614.
  • Martyred saints of the Augustinian order, who died under persecution through the Vandals in Africa, bishops and saints of the order and representations of the individual Augustinian orders. Engraving by Oliviero Gatti, 1614.