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| Rob Bidder

Learning how to be loved can be complicated.

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Love, grief and assisted dying

| Michelle ElliotEszter Bonyi

In this deeply affecting story, Michelle Elliot explores the events and emotions around the time of her mother’s medically assisted death in Canada, where the practice is legal.

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Lovesickness and ‘The Love Thief’

| Julia Nurse

An 11th-century poem of love, lust and possibly gruesome death still resonates today.

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Love, longing and tea from the polski sklep

| Kasia TomasiewiczAnna Keville Joyce

For people of Polish origin in the UK, herbal tea is closely tied to health and shared history. Kasia Tomasiewicz explores her changing relationship to these tea-related cultural habits.

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Pageantry of self-love

| Bex Ollerton

Sometimes, self-love can feel exhausting.

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All the things I loved

| Weewaaz

What did you once love that you don't anymore?

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Rediscovering a love of the game

| Lara GoodwinCarolina Altavilla

Sexism and homophobia in football prompted Lara Goodwin to stop playing the sport at 19. Today, while discrimination in the game is still rife, Lara has found hope – and like-minded players – in an inclusive east London club.

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Our complicated love affair with light

| Lauren ColleeSteven Pocock

Sunlight is essential, but our relationship with artificial light is less clear cut. It expands what’s possible; it also obscures and polices. In this long read, Lauren Collee pits light against night, and reveals the shady places in between.

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A graveyard of plants for the people I love

| Jennifer NealFoli Creppy

Searching for her own ceremony to acknowledge the passing of her grandmother, Jennifer Neal turned to plants. The ritual she created was personal and loving, and celebrated life as well as acknowledging loss.

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Living in limbo when a loved one is missing

| Bev ThomasCamilla Greenwell

When someone goes missing, loved ones are thrown into a state akin to constant grieving; waiting for news, living in hope. Novelist Bev Thomas describes how they try to cope and carry on.

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The aphrodisiac apothecary

| Ella Nørgaard Morton

Not in the mood? Come and visit our traditional drug store for natural tonics rumoured to increase sexual desire.

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Broadcasting trans lives in the 1980s

| Emily Love

Discover how a 1980 British TV documentary broke new ground by portraying transgender people, their lives and their medical treatment in a normalising way.

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Six personal health zines that might change your life

| Loesja VigourNicola Cook

Personal zines put health conditions back in the hands of the people who experience them. Here are six that Wellcome Collection staff love.

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The catharsis of cringe

| David JesudasonCamilla Greenwell

Watching cringe comedy can be therapeutic. Find out why some of us are drawn to the build-up of stress in shows like ‘Frasier’ and ‘The Office’.

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Getting sexy with cinnamon

| Kirsten Riley

Add some flavour to your love life with this spice. It will warm up more than just your buns.

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Graphic Gallery: Red

| Helen Babbs

Red is for danger, and it’s for blood. It’s for passion, and it’s for love.

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The white tears of Taranaki

| Sarah Alice HopkinsonCat O’Neil

Taranaki in Aotearoa, New Zealand, is home to the world’s largest dairy factory. Sarah Hopkinson questions the price paid by an area dominated by monoculture.

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A short history of lovesickness

| Aisha Mazhar

Are you ill or are you simply in love? It can be hard to tell. No wonder lovesickness was for centuries regarded as a bona fide disease.

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Beating the bodysnatchers

| Allison C Meier

When a rise in grave robbing called for strong measures, mortsafes became the unassailable solution. Allison C. Meier explores.

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Beautiful bedding and how to die well

| Poppy NashSteven Pocock

When you are unwell, your bed can be both a refuge and a prison. Discover how artist Poppy Nash created a bed-centred artwork inspired by her own chronic illness and depictions of ill health from history.

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Booze and bad behaviour

| Stevyn Colgan

Our love of alcohol is like a party that’s lasted nine centuries. But there are signs that the demon drink is losing its appeal.

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Inhaling happiness and gasping for a high

| Stevyn Colgan

The rapid, short-lived high we get from whippets, reefers and vapes can be accompanied by long-term health consequences. The search is on for safer ways to get stoned.

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Are people born violent?

| Laura BuiJessa Fairbrother

Laura Bui explores how the nature vs nurture debate applies to those who commit homicide.

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The pulse of life

| Anjuli Sharma

Your pulse is a vital sign of life. Variations in the pulse have been linked to illness, being in love and stress. You can’t live without a pulse, or can you?

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Sex work and critical campaigners

| Ella SmithJessa Fairbrother

When campaigners filmed secretly in the club where she worked, exotic dancer Ella Smith felt frightened and degraded. Here she speaks out about the attack on her livelihood.