Methods, Instructions and Instruments

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Vogt, Dr Marthe Louise (1903-2003)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


File containing a variety of pharmacological methods and instruments and experiment instructions, some taken from journals and text books, others based on laboratory practices. Including: 5-HT and 5-HIAA, preparation of resins, Jun 1975; 20% calcium chloride, determination of chloride content; a micro-fluorescent method for the estimation of noradrenaline in rat heart (based on the method by Laverty and Sharman, 1965); estimation of dopamine, 1977; separation and estimation of dopamine in brain tissue and estimation of dopamine and a-methyldopamine; dopamine estimation, 1978; [bioassay of] catecholamines in brain; the determination of sodium and potassium in plasma using the EEL flame photometer; the estimation of total metadrenlines and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol in urine; bioassay of HT after butanol extraction; catecholamines in plasma; pitfalls in catecholamine estimations which make use of chromatography in phenol-HC1 followed by bioassay; adrenal ascorbic acid estimation (Roe and Kuether method); method for the determination of 5-HT in tissue, 1966; liquid scintillation counting of aqueous solutions; rat heart noradrenaline estimation; release of catecholamines from extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue; method for the determination of small amounts of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine in cerebrospinal fluid; an isotope method for the estimation of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine using small quantities of plasma; a simple and sensitive radiochemical method for the estimation of catechol compounds in tissues; extraction of adrenal glands for corticoid estimation; extraction of plasma for the estimation of cortical steroids; procedure for estimation vasopressin and oxytocin in dog's brain; catecholamines in blood; salt solutions for pharmacological experiments; a simplified method for estimation of homvanillic acid



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