General correspondence: WBSR and Henry Wellcome
- Date:
- 1915-1929
- Reference:
- WF/WBSR/03
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
4 March, 1915, Balfour to Wellcome, with Wellcome's marginal comments;
5 June, 1919, Monthly Report for May;
30 July, 1919, Monthly Report for July;
2 September, 1919, Monthly Report for August;
30 September, 1919, Monthly Report for September;
14 March, 1920, letter of thanks, with illegible signature (? N Slater), from 17 St James Court, Buckingham Gate, London;
19 August, 1920, Balfour to Wellcome;
5 November, 1920, Balfour to Wellcome (referring to Sir Herbert Read);
25 September, 1926, Wellcome to Wenyon (referring to asking Chamberlain "to preside at the opening ceremony" for the Historical Medical Museum);
6 October, 1926, Wellcome to Wenyon (referring to Musuem title);
1 November, 1926, Wellcome to Linstead, regarding opening ceremony of WBSR and WMMS (2 copies of this letter);
2 November, 1926, Wellcome to Wenyon;
2 November, 1926, Wellcome [to Linstead] (2 copies of this letter);
2 December, 1926, Wellcome to Burroughs Wellcome & Co, referring to a handbook, or guide, to the Bureau and Museum;
15 February, 1929, Wenyon to G E Pearson, enclosing copies of various documents concerning the history of diphtheria antitoxin and WPRL;
7 May, 1929, a statement initialled "GAR" on the physical shortcomings of 171-177 Euston Road (Museum) for large visitor-groups.
Physical description
Copyright note
Where to find it
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