HRC records: 870; 878; 885; 888; 895; 911-912; 921; 924
- Date:
- 1974-1975
- Reference:
- SA/TIH/B/1/5/28
- Part of:
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
HRC 870: Don Bryant, "Behavioural Science and Manpower".
HRC 878: Robert N. Rapoport, Victor Thiessen, Martha Moeller, "Record to the SSRC: Career Development at Three Stages in the Life Cycle".
HRC 885: John S. Gow, Alfred W. Clark, Graham S. Dossett, "A Path Analysis of Variables Influencing Labour Turnover" 2 copies.
HRC 888: Eric Trist, "Epilogue: Action Research and Adaptive Planning".
HRC 895: Maxine Bucklow, "Readings in Socio-Technical Systems".
HRC 896: "Case Record Sheet". 2 copies
File 2 of 2:
HRC 911/2: Don Bryant, "Withdrawal from Work: A Manager's Guide " 2 copies.
HRC 911: Don Bryant, Withdrawal from Work".
HRC 912: Peter Spink and Rosemary Welchman, "An Introduction to Ways of Measuring Staff Turnover".
HRC 921: Eva Gregory, Allen Hickling, Gurth Higgin, Mike Norris, "Re: Institute Organisation".
HRC 924: Don Bryant, "Pilot Study of Loss of Former Trainees Volume I".
Physical description
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores