Reports for September, October and November 1929

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Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Monthly report for September 1929, with:
covering memorandum from George E Pearson to C M Wenyon (23 October);
"Notes on Monthly Report of the USA Laboratories," by "J"[owett] (31 October);
letter from R A O'Brien to Wenyon (28 October), in which he notes his uneasiness "about the establishment of the Tuckahoe Laboratories," and that "the programme of work is so ambitious that it appears to have been drawn up by somebody without any realisation of what was really involved."

Monthly report for October 1929, with:
covering memorandum from George E Pearson to C M Wenyon (28 November), requesting his comments.

Monthly report for November 1929, including "Biographies and Bibliographies of the Staff," with:
covering memorandum from George E Pearson to C M Wenyon (3 January, 1930), noting that thus far no comments from Wenyon had been received.



Physical description

1 file

Copyright note

Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust

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