Papers Related to the Work of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War

Part of:
L. S. Penrose Papers
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Offprints, booklets, pamphlets and memoranda by various organisations and individuals relating to the peace movement, consisting of:

Two copies of an essay titled "A World Approach to Human Survival" by Jeffrey Ross;

A pamphlet titled The Camp of Liberation by A J Muste, published by Peace News Ltd, 1954;

Offprint of an article titled "The Pathogenesis of War", published in The Lancet, 28 July 1962, pp. 193-194;

Pamphlet containing the annual report of the National Peace Council, 1958;

Two copies of an offprint of A Norwegian Inititative: The Oslo Peace Meeting 1958 and its Program, published by The Independent Norwegian Group, Oslo, 1958;

Memorandum from the Executive Committee for the Final Appeal of the Oslo Peace Meeting, May 1959;

Printed statement adopted by scientists attending An International Concilium of Scientists, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, 6-11 July 1957;

Press cutting of an article titled "The Dangers of Radio-active Dust" by Yasushi Nishiwaki, from The Listener, 28 October 1954;

Leaflet titled Fallout, published by The Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs;

Offprint of an article titled "'Reponsibility' for the Nazi Policy of Extermination" by Peter McKellar, published in The Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 1951, pp. 153-163;

Offprint of an article titled "The Emotion of Anger in the Expression of Human Aggressiveness" by Peter McKellar, published in The British Journal of Psychology (General Section), volume 34, part 3, March 1949;

Offprint of an article titled "Provocation to Anger and the Development of Attitudes of Hostility" by Peter McKellar, published in The British Journal of Psychology (General Section), volume 40, part 3, March 1950;

Offprint of an article titled "Prescription for Peace: The Biological Basis of Man's Ideological Conflicts" by Trigant Burrow, published in Explorations in Altruistic Love and Behavior, edited by Pitirim A. Sorokin, published by Beacon Press, 1950;

Offprint of an article titled "Some Thoughts on the Meaning of the Word Democracy" by D W Winnicott, published in Human Relations, volume 3, number 2, June 1950;

Offprint of a paper titled "Some Aspect [sic] of the Problem of Medical Education with Regard to Psychiatry and Psychology" by Samiran Banerjee, read before the Indian Science Congress, Poona, 1950, and published by the Indian Psycho-therapeutical Society;

Memorandum for a Plan of Work by the Indian Psycho-therapeutical Society;

Offprint of a paper titled "Mystery of 'Wonder Drug' [sic]" by Samiran Banerjee, read before the Indian Science Congress, Bangalore, 1951, and published by the Indian Psycho-therapeutical Society;

Three memoranda from Gene Sharp, Peace News, titled "A Proposal for a Non-violent Resistance Literature Service", "Peaceful Liberation?", and "A Serious Study of Non-violent Resistance is Needed";

Typewritten essay titled "Calculation of the Risk of Bone Sarcoma due to Strontium", by an unidentified author.



Physical description

148 folios

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by the Wellcome Library as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.

Terms of use

The papers are available at UCL Special Collections and Archives subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.


Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at UCL Special Collections. This catalogue is held by the Wellcome Library as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.

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