Envelopes 4-150 [some missing/culled].

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Pioneer Health Centre Peckham, with papers of George Scott Williamson MD (1884-1953) and Innes Hope Pearse (1889-1978)
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Envelopes 4-150 [some missing/culled]. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


4. Sperm and ovum characteristics [?IHP]. ; 6. Anonymity of womanhood today; 7. Biological principles for town planning; 8. Scientific study of Homes and Love and Womanhood, love and the feelings post 1950; 10. Homesteads and nutrition as basis of new industrial planning 1939-1945; [11. culled JDT]; 12. Soil and seed - biological prototype... Soil Association; 13. Nature of post-war convalescence. Programme for convalescence. The Place of Motherhood. 1939-1945; 14. Early versions of Holey Sponge; 15. i. Early study of insusceptibility and normal immunity, 1909-1910/ii. Essentials of Parenthood/iii. Senescence-juvenesence - creation in human species; 16. ‘Irreversibility' in space-time and in biological order. Bias of sex. Familiarity in nurture; 17. Disease; compensation (and wellbeing); Health; [18 culled JDT]; 19. Growth and differentiation as process in greater organism; 20/20A Essential difference between needs and wants. Biological mechanism of choice. Synthesis and Focus. Special reference to embryo and mother. Significance in education; 21.(1) Note on Mathematics or Number-Space-Time. (2) Therapeutic v Cultural Socialism; 22/22C/22FT Compensation. Significance of Courtship in Man (and Plants?). Birth Control and Specificity in Health. Flirtation. Notes; 23. Two types of synthesis; 24. Freedom in Memory; 25. Immaturity of youth requires non-segregation for growth; 26. Importance of dietetics in facultisation; 27. Characteristics of realm of quality - and biological order; 30. Objectivity v mutuality; 31. Stereo effects; 32. Functional and non-functioning cells and bodies; 33. Purpose. Bioscope. ‘Scope of Biology'; 34. (1) Cosmos as whole. (2) Parts and unities; 35. (1)Mathematical symbolism in biometry. (2) Environment as Fertilizer; 36. a) Amoeba and man b) Origins of Cosmos; 37. (1) Summary of previous writing re the Observer (2) Scope of biognomics ref to Planck and Einstein; 38. Emurgy [2 early papers]; 39. Human body machine and driver. Effects of anaesthesia and anaethetics; 40. Quality and Quantity; 41. (1) Nature of Knowledge (2) Space Time Duality and physicist (3) Prevention techniques; 42. Observer and Concept of futurity; ‘Point of View' in science; use of memory and will in science; facts and [illegible]; 43. Coordination of quality and quantity; 44. Spontaneity and embryo; 45. Reality and cosmic organism. ; 46. Man-making; 47. Bipolarity in living world: faculties; sexes; cell-body; appositeness; ghost method of treatment; 48. Memory; recollection; objective selection; evolution as process not history; nature of ecology; 49. Recollection; voluntary; involuntary; [50. culled JDT]; 51. Memory not a larder but a garden; 52. Function and action patterns; 53. Patterning order of cosmos; 54. Placental sites. Zone of mutuality. Action pattern records; 55. Commonsense and familiarisation; 56. Familiarity and habit. Voluntary focussed action v involuntary; 57. Foetus and memory and mother; 58. Faculties. Focus and total situation of vision; 59. GSW comment on his ‘Concept'; 60. Volition and election; selection-focus; action-reaction; seeing out of corner of eye; good note on The Scout illustration; 61. Mind. Consciousness; 62. Arbitary choice; 63. Subjectivity and memory. Objectivity and analysis; 64. Possiblity of studying; 65. Blue book: automatics and autonomics; relativity; Plank-Quanta-Euclidean Point; The Observer -; atoms-molecules-cells in relation to Wholes; inter-sex: per-se relativity; 66H. Faculty for synthesis; 67. Tendency to wholeness remains unstudied; 68. Eternity and Time; 70. Mutual synthesis as-placental/nurtural factor; 71M/C/B/Q. The Polarity of Unity. Meaning of Meaning. Meaning and Vision; 72. Quality and Wholes; 73F/M/Q. Finity. Cells in body relationship; 74H. Per-se relations of home. Inter-se relations of Blood brothers; 75. ‘Tending' the diseased at PHC-and its value; 76A. Cultivation of faculties; 76B. The medium of memory. The need for symbolism.; 77. Experimental study of functional existence; 78. Scientist/Technician/Craftsman in relation to Memory; 79. Halley's Comet and the Rabbit; 80A. Consciousness and response of artist; 81/81H. Point of contact between Thesis and materio-dynamic science; 82/82F/82FM. Faculties: choosing: man and amoeba; 83C. Compensation in injury in biological mechanism; 84. Memory, recollection and ‘subconscious'; 85. Mutual synthesis, the ‘saddle' of environment; 86. Recollection and subrecollection; 87/87M. Origin via memory. Time and Eternality. The Future.; 88. Picture of lively autonomy of sleeping children; 89M. Locus of human organism in cosmos; 91F. Clear part summary of features of functional action; 92F. Brief summary of features of subjective synthesis; 93/93I. Insusceptibility ignored; 94/94M. Medium of memory. ‘Conscious' – ‘the subconscious'; 95. Effects of mating, marriage, parenthood; 96/96A. Amoeba-Man/Precision-Truth/Biopolarity in Quality/ Finger-Printing materiodynamic. ; 97. Faculties as digestive organs; 98. Finger prints records of specificity in action (engine-driver). Diversity and equity in wholes; 99. Faculty for genesis, internal, external; 100. Basic statement on memory; 101. Possible mathematic re spontaneity and order. Tissue sense and eternality; 102. Basic statement of space-memory, time-will, equities-diversities, c.f. Newton; 103. Diapedesis in: Leucocyte and: Earth; 105. Basic statement: aesthesia, choice-chance in cosmic tissues; 106/106M. Recognition of specificity in ‘Smith'; 107. Basic statement on living v dying; 108. The Future. The Present; 109. Psyche; 110. Nature of wholes and parts. Equity-Diversity. Positive and negative choice. Infinity; 111G. Senescence and juvenescence in experiment - Home and family. Bipolarity of faculties. Vision; 112/112b. Memory. Recollection. Prescience. Specificity in child's education; 113. Limitation of analogy; 114. Memory ‘relation' to ideas and action-patterns; 115. Multiplication and growth within action pattern; 116M/116. 1) re Newton's concept of time 2) mind as digestive organ 3) students of the new; 117Q. Scrap on quality v quantity; 118/118M. Examples of Eddington's Tables further elaborated; 119F. Special and general faculties; 120C. Orientation of whole. Civilometry v sociometry; 121. Faculties and sensibilities in amoeba and man; 122. Knowing God; 123. Biological use of quantitative sensations, with IHP notes re: subjective choice v focus limitation; 124. Twin cylindered mechanism v bipolar optics; 126N. Cultivation of memory in living; 127. Quality factors coordinated with materiodynamic, + note on the cell in location of the whole; 128. Ovum and sperm origins ands fertilisation, + scrap notes... endogenesis and exogenesis fields of function; 129. Facultised sensibilities illustrated by Cinquevalli the Juggler; 130/130I. Definitions of biognomics v biology. Peckham as approach to biognomy. Ecleveity-specificity; [131 . culled JDT]. ; 132. Major original statement of physical and bionomic universe. Cosmos as Unity; 133. Youth's revolt against conditioning of authority; 134. Voluntary involuntary v compulsion. ; 135. Major original statement: prevention not better than cure re Hippocrates and Hygeia; 136. Prediction in science. The Observer in physical scientific experiment; 137. Space and Time. The Two Futures. The Past.; 138M. Content and context and meaning of meaning; 139S. Biology to Biognomy; 140. Infection of Courage, Virtue; [141. culled JDT]; 142/142H. ‘Bon mots' difficult to label; 143. Aesculapius. Hygeia. Hippocrates; 144. The Going. The Coming. The Present. The Presence; 145. Uniformity of statistics; 146. Synthesis of person and society; 147. Inheritance and acquisition. Poverty and plenty in the environment; 148B. Home as prism of spectrum of love [see also 520]; 149. Home-Health. Woman in the home. ‘The Three Queens'; 150. Man as instrument in discernment of Quality



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