NHS reforms; NHS Unlimited and No Pass Laws to Health campaign material

Nov 1982 - Jun 1987
Part of:
Wendy Savage: archives (1935-)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Includes: publications, 1984-1987; NO Pass Laws to Health Campaign material, 1982-1983.


Nov 1982 - Jun 1987

Physical description

1 file

Biographical note

NHS Unlimited was a committee to combat private medicine whose remit is given as bringing "together a wide range of people who support and defend the basic principles of the NHS, including many who work within it. Specifically, the Committee collects and disseminates information on the commercial medical sector and on the hiving off of NHS services to the private sector". The No Pass Laws to Health campaign was concerned with the exclusion of newly-arrived residents in the UK from healthcare based on the government's introduction of new checks for entitlement to NHS treatment.

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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