Only part of from what appears to have been a larger series; some unnumbered have been inserted at end; more notes by GSW on assorted subjects. Numbered by IHP after death of GSW: 01. Living and Dying. A Treatise in Biology [Ch I of SSS]; 02. Probably draft for Charter of Health [blank] ‘culled JDT'; 03. Education as Homo culture of seeded fruit in home soil (?post 1945). ; 04. Draft memo for Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education. Description of Centre School; 05. Notes on Marriage; Pre-marital consultation at PHC (?post 1945); 06. Brief Notes: ethology; home. Main note on: Courtship; genital faculty; sensual v feelings (?post 1945). ; 07. Section I (pp 1-20) Physical World v Living World; Memory and its Measurelessness; quality v quantity; realities of memory. Section II: our use or misuse of memory; 010. Section I: draft of letter to newspaper on study of health. Section II pp 1-11: the senses and the mind in human machine - the chassis; power of circumstances - emergy v energy (post 1945); 011. Body-Mind-Soul. Energy-Emergy. The Senses. Coming-going future. Sailing ship model. Mathematics. Binary nature of senses. Insert on COMMONSENSE (post 1945); 012. First section: Automatics/autonomics. Energy/emergy. Sailing ship and pilot model. Einstein's theory of relativity. (post 1945). Second Section: Physical science - the natural machine and energy and emergy. Reference of Einstein-Newton-physics. Section three. Page on MIND; 013. A1. Peck. M-Will. Prevention.; 165. The Futures ?Good; 172. a) Main joint wholes. b) Quality. c) Futures. NB: physiologists whole a neutrality, biologists whole a creation. ; 183. Mainly Disorder. Egotism-Altruism [post 1945]; 185. Physicist's world. Living world. Major statement (post 1945); 189. Original notes. Major work on Niels Bohr and Einstein re complementativity and relativity. + some IHP copies.; 190. Sensations and feeling in nurture: disregard of feelings in contemporary culture - post 1945; 191. Ethognomy as experimental study of order and law in nature, + mathematical note (post 1945); 198. Mechanism and the living order. Relation to nervous energy; 201. Faculty for genesis, external and endocrine aspects, nurture in sex differentiation. White and yolk of egg in birds and human organism. Endocrine Faculties. Yolk-sac; 206. Half-truths of science and artificial substitutes (post 1945); 208. FEELINGS-SENSATIONS, + coming-going futures and present, + nurture and autonomy (post 1945); A.213. Faculty for genesis. Phases of development. Present and future.; . Spontaneity and speed of time and speed of light (post 1945); C.213. Faculty for genesis: the organs; origin and development; principle of diversity; D.213. Several approaches to growth differentiation and development through; . faculty for genesis. Interpretations of Masculinity and Femininity; . (post 1945); 220. To Faculties II - 'Hygiene and Hygienics...'; 245. [untitled: ‘The ovum is the external secretion...']; 246. FAITHS and FACTS in Science. AESTHESIA and SENSATION (post 1945); 247 Home Nurture; 255 . Memory; 256 . Functionary; 280. [untitled: on Peckham, idea of home and family, tendency to wholeness, etc]; 289. Broadcasts for Men; 291. Mainly A1. Peckham. M-W.; 292. A1 Peck. Mainly Exhaust System, Utilization, N C ; . [neural circulation].; 293. A1 Peck, N Circn [neural circulation]; 294. A1 Peck. (from ‘Nest'). Attention-Focus. N. Circn. Natural Engine. Futures. Technique of Examining Biologist.; 295. A1 at Peckham. M-W.; 300. Aesthetics; 305. Facts-Faiths-Quantity-Quality (post-1945); 306. Physics v aesthetics; 327. Complementarity. The position of the Scientist. The Infant Experimenter.; 328. Niels Bohr 2. 3 & 4 versions; 329. (Book 4 with Bohr) Letter to Struthers. Entropy; 330. Bohr. 3. Complementarity; 631. Action pattern. A1 Peck; Unnumbered exercise books [which do not fit in anywhere else]; [‘As we have seen there are two dimensions...': inserted slip reads ‘The Trinity of Wholeness']; . Observer - Going Future and Memory/Observer 1-8 points: inserted loose pages ‘Observer - Coming - Going Future, as two forces of Motion as a Unity/[at end of volume ‘The Biological Scientist must challenge the Physical Scientist...]; Memory as Cosmic Specificities - Remembering-Forgetting-Ignoring Art of Science - Science of Art ; ;