Monthly Memoranda (points for propaganda)

Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Memoranda, primarily aimed at sales staff, giving updates of products and sales campaigns, often illustrated with photographs, graphs, tables and adverts.

Index as follows:

'Alepol' - Leprosy 4, 66, 146, 195, 259
Asthma 4
Australia - New B. W. & Co. Building 16, 270
Antirachitic Potency 18
Animal Substances and Honesty 21
'Agla' Perfection 44
Auricular Fibrillation - 'Diginutin' 43, 118
Asthma - 'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride 37, 67, 93, 100, 148
Asthma, Cardiac - Ephedrine and Digitalis 68
Anti-Gas-Gangrene Serum - 'Wellcome' Brand Concentrated 70
Acidosis - Ephedrine Hydrochloride 79
Amoebic Dysentery - Kurchi Bark 86
Allergic Insulin Reactions 87
Andrée - Solution of Mystery 104
Andrée - Photograph 105
Asthma - 'Epinalin' 114
Acidosis Booklet 122
Acidosis - 'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound Effervescent 126
Acidosis - 'Tabloid' Potassium Bicarbonate 126
'Avenyl' - New Method of Administering 127
Alkaloids of Ergot - Smith and Timmis 137
Accuracy - Question of 153/4/5/6/7
Appendicitis and Peritonitis - 'Wellcome Concentrated Anti-Gas-Gangrene Globulins 167
"Always write 'Tabloid' in full" 128
Ascaridole v. Askaridol 170
Antigenic Properties of 'Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria (T. A. F. Toxoid Antitoxin Floccules for Active Immunisation 170
American Appreciation of 'W' P. E. C. 176
"American Photography" - Appreciation of 'W' P. E. C. 177
Appreciation of 'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract 188
Australian Hospitals use 'Tabloid' 'Saxin' 199
Anti-Tetanus Serum - When to Administer 202
Antitoxin of Exceptional Potency - A. T. Glenny, W. P. R. L. 230
Asthma - 'Tabloid' Potassium Iodide 235
American Pharmaceutical Association - Dr. Wellcome Elected President 237
Active Immunisation against Diphtheria 239
Amoebic Dysentery - 'Quinoxyl' 258

Byrd, Commander - Crosses South Pole - 'Tabloid' Equipments 1
Bismuth - Lupus Erythematosus 10
British Industries Fair, 1930 29
Broncho-pneumonia - 'Diginutin' 39
B. W. & Co. Australia - New Building for 16, 270
B. W. & Co. Crystal Exhibit at British Industries Fair 1930 29, 30, 31
B. W. & Co. Stand at British Industries Fair 1930 - Photograph of 32
Bismuth and Morphia Tabloids 30 years old 35
Burning the Candle at Both Ends 56
Blaud Pill and Haemoglobin Increase 59
Byrd Antarctic Expedition, 1928-1930 94, 95
B. M. A. & C. M. A. Meeting, Winnipeg, 1930 (Canadian Medical Association) 96
Blotters Bring Business 98
Bishop's Advice - Ephedrine for Asthma 100
'Borofax' - Rash caused by Injection 100
B. W. & Co.'s Products - Quality of 115
B. W. & Co.'s Toxoid-Antitoxin - Diphtheria 119
Bilious Attacks or Acidosis - 'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound Effervescent 126
Bilious Attacks or Acidosis - 'Tabloid' Sodium Bicarbonate 126
Bilious Attacks or Acidosis - 'Tabloid' Sodium Citrate 126
Bilious Attacks or Acidosis - 'Tabloid' Potassium Bicarb. (Bicarbonate) 126
B. W. & Co. Blue Books - Praise given to 122, 130
Byrd Antarctic Expedition 157/8/9, 160/1
B. W. & Co. Exploring Needle - 20 years old 168
'Borofax' prevents X-ray burns 190
'Barolac' 193
B. M. A., Eastbourne, 1931 215
"Buy British" - Therapeutic Substances 221
B. W. & Co., Montreal, New Offices and Exhibition Rooms 252
Benzene - Notes on Drugs Derived From 252
'Barolac' - Exhibited at L. M. E. 256
B. W. & Co. Products and Pathological Work 262

Colic, Renal - Ephedrine 9
Coughs and Congestion of Pharynx and Larynx - 'Tabloid' 'Epinine' Compound 12
Cod Liver Oil and Milk 19
Cuts, severe - 'Soloid' 'Tolamine' 21
Crystal Exhibit - B. W. & Co. - B. I. F. 29
Cod Liver Oil - the Fallacy of Synthetic - 34
Controlled Irradiated Preparations 34
China Medical Journal - 'Neostam' in Kala Azar 25
Cascara Sagrada, 'Tabloid' 28
Calomel, 'Hypoloid', Venereal Diseases and Syphilis 39
Claims for New Drugs 40
"Common Cold" Vaccines - Are they Satisfactory? 43
Cod Liver Oil - Rickets 46
Canine Distemper 48
Cod Liver Oil and Milk - Relative Vitamin D, Value of 55
Cardiac Decompensation - 'Diginutin' 61
Centenary of Henry Hill Hickman 65
Catarrh, Nasal - 'Vaporole' Ephedrine Spray Compound 68
Cardiac Asthma - Ephedrine and Digitalis 68
Cardiac Dropsy - 'Diginutin' 69
Conservation - The Need for 80
Cod Liver Oil Tablets - Worthless 83
Cod Liver Oil - Return to 90
Cod Liver Oil and Irradiated Ergosterol 90
Cotarnine Hydrochloride in Haemorrhage from Prostate 93
Canine Gastritis 113
Chickens Take 'Kepler' 123
Cinchona Tercentenary Celebrations at W. H. M. M. 132-136
Cinchona Alkaloids in Malaria - Paper read by Dr. Henry 136
Crooke's Misleading Advertisement 161
Chenopodium Oil, 'Wellcome' Brand 170
Coryza Vaccine No. 4 174
Comparative Clinical Investigations upon the Blood-Pressure-Increasing Effect of Ephedrine and Ephetonin 184
Cascara Sagrada - 'Wellcome' Brand Liquid Extract of 202
Cod Liver Oil versus Viosterol 209
Cascara Sagrada - The Ideal Evacuant 211
Cobham, Sir Alan, and 'Tabloid' First Aid 213
Crystalline Insulin, Potency and Composition of, Derived from Different Sources 230
Chemical Industry, Members of Society of, Visit Wellcome Chemical Works 231
Cobham, Sir Alan - Return from Air Survey of Central Africa 248
Cod Liver Oil Superior to Irradiated Yeast 249
Chickenpox - 'Soloid' 'Tolamine' Dressing 251
Cod Liver Oil - Further Evidence in Favour of 274

Dog Distemper Investigators - W. P. R. L. - The Field 12
'Diginutin' - B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 31
'Diginutin' - Severe Angina 36
'Diginutin' - Broncho-pneumonia 39
Drugs, New, Claims for 40
Digitalis Leaf, 'Tabloid' 41
Digitalis Tincture, 'Wellcome' 41
Digitalis Leaf Tablets - A Correction 42
'Diginutin' in Auricular Fibrillation 43, 118
'Diginutin' - A Dangerous Preparation of 40
Distemper, Canine - W. P. R. L. 48
Diphtheria - Immunisation of a Fever Hospital against 57
'Diginutin' - Severe Cardiac Decompensation 61
Diabetes Mellitus - 'Wellcome' Brand Insulin 61
Digitalis and Ephedrine - Cardiac Asthma 68
'Diginutin' - Cardiac Dropsy 69
Dental Syringe - 'Tabloid' All-Metal 72
'Diginutin' 41, 78, 111, 128/9, 147, 166/7, 223A, 225, 251, 263
'Diginutin' - Pneumonia 79, 98
Digitalis Leaf - 'Tabloid' 78
Digitalis, 'Wellcome' Brand Tincture of 84
'Diginutin' - Heart Trouble 85, 92
Diabetes - Liver Extracts 88
Digitalis Leaf - Tachycardia and Fibrillation 91
Diphtheria - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 96
Dioramas Exhibited at B. M. A. 1930 97
Digitalis, History of 107
Diabetes - 'Wellcome' Brand Insulin 112
'Diginutin' - Displayed at B. M. A. 1930 117
'Diginutin' - Praise Given to 118
Diphtheria - Immunisation Against 119, 184, 239
'Diginutin' - Rheumatic Endocarditis 128
Dosage of Vitamin D 138
Dentistry - Use of Drugs in 149
Diphtheria Prophylactic T. A. F. Toxoid-Antitoxin Floccules, 'Wellcome' Brand 170
Diphtheria Serum 203
'Diginutin', A Compliment to 203
'Diginutin' replaces Tincture of Digitalis 204
Distemper - Statement in Parliament 224
Diphtheria Toxin of High Value - C. G. Pope, W. P. R. L. 229
'Diginutin' - Auricular Fibrillation 234
Drugs Derived from Benzene, Notes on 252

Ephedrine - Gallstone and Renal Colic 9
Ephedrine - Obstetric Cases of Low Blood Pressure 10
Edinburgh Photographic Society's Secretary and 'W' P. E. C. 14
Essential Thrombopenia - Liver Treatment 20
Ephedrine Products - B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 31
Ergotoxine Ethanesulphonate 35, 31, 175
'Epinine' Co. - Coughs 12
Experiments on Diet of Schoolchildren - Cod Liver Oil and Milk 19
Ergot 35
'Ernutin' 35, 130, 140, 234
'Empirin' Compound, 'Tabloid' - Influenza 37
Ephedrine Hydrochloride - Superiority of 'Tabloid' 37
Exposure- Photography Simplified 50
Ergot Preparations for Oral Administration - 'Ernutin' 57
'Ernutin' - Of Interest to the Obstetrician 58
Ephedrine Spray Compound, 'Vaporole' - Nasal Catarrh 68
Ephedrine and Digitalis - Cardiac, Asthma 68
Ephedrine Hydrochloride, 'Tabloid' - Whooping Cough 71
'Ethidol' for Injection into T. B. Glands, Abscesses, etc. 69
Ephedrine Hydrochloride - Asthma 67, 93, 100
'Elixoid' Ephedrine Compound - Whooping Cough 79
Ephedrine Hydrochloride - Acidosis 79
Ephedrine - Hay Fever 99, 146
Explorers Carry 'Tabloid' Medical Equipments 104
'Enule' Meat Suppositories - Canine Gastritis 113
Exhibition Galleries - Sydney 113
'Epinalin' Asthma and Hay Fever 114
'Epinalin' - Displayed at L. M. E. 1930 117
Effective Business Letters 123
Extracts from New York Monthly Letter, September 1930 123
'Epinine' 151
Ephedrine - Confirmation of the Value of 164
"Essentials in Photography" 176
Ephedrine - Investigations upon the Blood-Pressure-Increasing Effect of 184
Ephetonin - Investigations upon the Blood-Pressure-Increasing Effect of 184
Eneuresis, Nocturnal, 'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride 198
Exposure Calculators - High Priced 199
Ephedrine Hydrochloride, 'Tabloid', in Nocturnal Eneuresis 198
Endocrine Remedies for Skin Diseases 204
'Ernutin' - Finest Ergot Preparation 205
Emergency Will-Making - Wellcome's Medical Diary 261
Exposures Within Arctic Circle 263

The Field - Dog Distemper Investigators 12
First-Aid Topics - National Safety Movement 14
First-Aid , 'Tabloid'', in U. S. A. 26
First-Aid - A First-Class Argument for First-Class 32
Fine Chemicals, B. W. & Co., Exhibited at B. I. F. 1930 31
Fallacy of Synthetic Cod Liver Oil 34
First-Aid on the Road 47
Fibrillation and Tachycardia - Digitalis Leaf 91
First-Aid Topic 101, 102, 103
Famous Explorers Carry 'Tabloid' Medical Equipments 104
Filaria in the Eye - 'Neostam' 130
Filarial Fever - 'Wellcome' Brand Ascaridole 196
Flood-Light Photography 242
Faraday Centenary 246
Flatulence - 'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound Effervescent 250

Gallstone - Ephedrine 9
Greyhound takes 'Kepler' 47
Gonorrhoea - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 96
Good Stories for Representatives 143
Glenny, A. T. - New Work in Diphtheria Immunisation 184
Greece - Leprosy in 196
Glenny, A. T. - Antitoxin of Exceptional Potency 230
Ganglion - 'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate 261

Heiser, Victor G. - Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Leprosy 3
Henry, Dr. - Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Leprosy 4
Honesty and Animal Substances 21
'Hypoloid' Calomel 39
Hypodermic Syringes, B. W. & Co., 18 years old 45
Human Disease - Strange Secrets of 46
Haemoglobin Increase - 'Tabloid' Blaud Pill 59
Henry Hill Hickman - Centenary of 65
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' - Obstetric Cases 72
"'Hazeline' Snow" Tube Packing 75
"'Hazeline' Snow" 80
Heart Trouble - 'Diginutin' 85, 92
Heart Trouble - 'Wellcome' Brand Tincture of Digitalis 84
Haemorrhage from the Prostate - 'Tabloid' Cotarnine Hydrochloride 93
Hay Fever - Ephedrine 99, 146
'Hypoloid' Quinine and Urethane in Hydrocele 99
Honest Advertising 111
'Hypoloid' Quinine and Urethane in Haemorrhoids 112
Haemorrhoids - Quinine and Urethane 112
Hay Fever - 'Epinalin' 114
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' - Helped to Build up Practice 129
'Hypoloid' Quinine and Urethane in Haemorrhoids 130
Henry, Dr., "Action of Cinchona Alkaloids in Malaria" 136
"'Hazeline' Snow" imitated in Shanghai 145
'Hypoloid' Camphor in Oil in Dentistry 151
'Hypoloid' Caffeine Sodio- Benzoate in Dentistry 151
Heart Troubles - 'Tabloid' Digitalis Leaf 174
'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate - Varicose Veins 181
Hypodermic Tablets - Ineffective 198
High Priced Exposure Calculators 199
'Hazeline' Cream and Metol Poisoning 208
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 209
'Hypoloid' Bismuth Metal - Syphilis 225
'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate - Exhibited at L. M. E. 256
'Hypoloid' Epinalin' - Exhibited at L. M. E. 256
'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate - Ganglion and Housemaid's Knee 261
Housemaid's Knee - 'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate 261
'Hypoloid' 'Infundin' - Exhibited at L. M. E. 257

Inferior Oil in Ordinary Malt and Oil Products 11
Irradiated Ergosterol, 'Tabloid' - Rickets 17
Irradiated Preparations - Controlled 34
Irradiated Ergosterol, 'Tabloid' 34
Influenza - 'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Compound 37
Insulin, Superiority of 'Wellcome' Brand 61
Insulin - Diabetes Mellitus 61
Immunisation of Fever Hospital Against Diphtheria 57
Insulin by Nose and Mouth 77
Insulin, 'Wellcome' Brand 79, 233
Insulin Reactions - Allergic 87
Irradiated Ergosterol and Cod Liver Oil 90
Influenza - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 96
Iodine - First Aid Topic 101, 102, 103
Insulin, 'Wellcome' Brand, Diabetes 112
Immunisation Against Diphtheria 119
Insulin, 'Wellcome' Brand, Proved Superiority of 120
'Infundin' 120
Influenza - 'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract 162
Influenza and Common Cold - 'Kepler' Cod Liver c M. E. 126
Ineffective Hypodermic Tablets 198
Intradermal Injection - Treatment of Leprosy 220
Influenza - 'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Compound 225
Insulin and Preservative 238
Irradiated Yeast Inferior to Cod Liver Oil 249
Immunisation Results 260
Insulin, 'Wellcome' Brand - Does not cause Pain 261

'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract 11, 17, 18, 126, 145
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract - U. S. A. Chemist impressed by the way the oil is "held" 27
Kala Azar - 'Neostam' 25, 185
'Kepler' M. E. and 'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. - B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 31
'Kharsulphan' - Outstanding Excellence of 37
'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. Taken by Racing Greyhound 47
'Kepler' Products - Recent Advances in Knowledge of Vitamins 52
'Kepler' Booklet - Natural Sources of Vitamins 55
Keeping Properties of "'Hazeline' Snow" 80
Kurchi Bark - Amoebic Dysentery 86
'Kepler' Advertisement (Chinese) Sent as Wrapping to London Importer 89
'Kepler' Preparations - Rickets 97
'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. Window Display (1930/31) 115
'Kepler' Products Displayed at L. M. E. 1930 118
'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. Given to Chicks 123
'Kepler' Compared with Radio Malt 127
Kittens fed on 'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. 145
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract - Influenza 162
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract for Growing Children 173
'Kepler' Preparations - Vitamin Content of 178
'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract Appreciation 188
Keratomalacia 180
'Kepler' Products, New Packings for 191
'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. Window Display, 1931/32 266

Leprosy - Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of 2
Liver Treatment in Pernicious Anaemia 8
Liver Therapy and Pernicious Anaemia 9, 20
Lupus Erythematosus - Bismuth 10
Liver Treatment in Essential Thrombopenia 20
Leprosy, 'Alepol' in 4, 66, 146, 195, 259
Liver Extract, 'Wellcome' 72
Liver Extracts in Diabetes 88
Leprosy - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 97
London Medical Exhibition 117, 256
Letters - Effective Business 123
Leprosy in Greece 196
Leprosy, Treatment of, by Intradermal Injection 220
Literature, An Appreciation of B. W. & Co. Medical 234
Lantern Slides - 'Rytol' 265
Laying of Corner Stone of the Wellcome Research Institution 267

Malt and Oil Products, Inferior oil in 11
Medical Diary, Wellcome's, 1930 22
Milan House, Interesting Reports from 27
Medical Diary Appreciations 38
Milan House Monthly Medical Report for December, 1929, Extracts from 39
Milk and Cod Liver Oil, Relative Vitamin D Value of 55
Malaria - 'Tabloid' Ferri Citras Co. 59
Misbranding in U. S. A. 61
Meeting Competition through Co-operation with the Buyer 62
Medical Equipments carried by Nansen 73
Malaria - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 97
'Moogrol' Used as an Alternative to Hydnocarpus Oil as Solvent for 'Avenyl' 127
Misleading Advertisement Advertisement by Crookes 161
Medical Reports 166
Metol Poisoning - 'Hazeline' Cream 208
Medical Literature, B. W. & Co., An Appreciation 234
Montreal - New Offices and Exhibition Rooms 252
Malaria, - Quinine 257

National Safety Movement - 'Tabloid' First Aid 14
New B. W. & Co. Building for Australia 16, 252, 270
'Neostam' - Kala Azar 25, 185
New Drugs, Claims for 40
Natural Sources of Vitamins - 'Kepler' Booklet 55
Nansen, The Passing of 73
Nansen's Belt 74
Needles - B. W. & Co. Steel and Rustless 76
'Neo-Infundin' - Advance Specimens Displayed at L. M. E. 1930 117
'Neokharsivan' - Yaws 121
New York Monthly Letter, September 1930, Extracts from 123
'Neostam' - Filaria in the Eye 130
'Neo-Infundin' - Oxytocic Principle of Pituitary Posterior Lobe 142
New York Monthly Letter, December 1930, Extracts from 149
'Neokharsivan' - Yaws 186
New Packings for 'Kepler' Products 191
Nocturnal Eneuresis - 'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride 198
Notes on Drugs Derived from Benzene 252
New York Works and Experimental Laboratories 269

Obstetric Cases of Low Blood Pressure - Ephedrine 10
Obstetrician - 'Ernutin' - Of interest to the 58
Obstetric Cases - Hypoloid' 'Infundin' 72
'Opa' Liquid Dentifrice 79
Obesity - 'Tabloid' Glandular Products 148
Ouabain 273

Pole Explorations - 'Tabloid' Equipments 1
Power, Dr. - Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Leprosy 2
Pernicious Anaemia - Liver Treatment in 8, 20
Pernicious Anaemia and Liver Therapy 9
Persia - 'Wellcome' P. E. C. in 13
Photography at Ease 24
Photograph of B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 1930 32
Prophylaxis and Treatment of Canine Distemper 49
Photography Simplified - Exposure 50
Photography Simplified 51
Photographic Chemicals - 'Tabloid' 51
Photographic Chemicals - 'Tabloid' 70
Passing of Nansen 73
Pneumonia - 'Diginutin' 79
Pyro-Metol, 'Tabloid' 80
Photography Simplified - Development 82
Puerperal Septicaemia 83
Polar Exhibition - 'Tabloid' Medical Equipments 87
Pneumonia - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 97
Photomicrographs - Exhibits at B. M. A. 96, 97
Pneumonia, Lobar - 'Diginutin' 98
Podolsky, Dr., On The World's Greatest Heart Remedy 107
Photography Simplified - Printing and Toning 101
Progress of Medicine 125, 173
Pharmacy Week Display - Pharmacists' Use Firm's Products 129
Peritonitis and Appendicitis - 'Wellcome' Concentrated Anti-Gas-Gangrene Globulins 167
Potassium Bicarbonate, 'Tabloid', in Acidosis 126
Photographer's S. O. S. During Snow Storm 175
Photo-Era Magazine - Appreciation of 'W' P. E. C. 176
Puerperal Septicaemia - Use of Antitoxin 182
Packings, New, for 'Kepler' Products 191
Phenolphthalein - Toxicity of 200
Pope, C. G., W. P. R. L. - Diphtheria Toxin of High Value 229
Photograph of St. Paul's by Floodlight 244
Photograph of Westminster Abbey by Floodlight 245
Photograph of Wellcome Chemical Works by Floodlight 246, 247
Pathological Work and B. W. & Co. Products 262
Photography Within Arctic Circle 263

Quinine and Urethane in Hydrocele 99
Quinine and Urethane in Haemorrhoids 112
Quality of B. W. & Co.'s Products 115
Question of Accuracy 153/4/5/6/7
Queen Presents 'Tabloid' Equipment to Hospital 164
Quinine in Malaria 257
'Quinoxyl' in Amoebic Dysentery 258

Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Leprosy 2
Renal Colic - Ephedrine 9
Rogers, Sir L. - Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Leprosy 3
Rickets - 'Tabloid' Irradiated Ergosterol 17
Rectal Injections - 'Wellcome' Brand Sodium Salicylate 27
Rickets - Cod Liver Oil 46, 55
'Rytol' 51
Recent Advances in Knowledge of Vitamins 52
Relative Vitamin D Value of Milk and Cod Liver Oil 55
'Rytol', "Times" Official Photographer Relies on 60
Rustless Needles, B. W. & Co. Steel and 76
Relics of Famous Polar Achievements 87
Reliability of 'Tabloid' Products after Prolonged Storage 91
Rising and Falling Sales 115
Radio Malt Compared with 'Kepler' 127
Rheumatic Endocarditis - 'Diginutin' 128
Representatives, Good Stories for 143
Rogers, Sir Leonard, Appreciation of 'Alepol' 146
Royal Academy of Arts Exhibition 1931 - Bust of Dr. Wellcome - Elevation of Wellcome Foundation Medical and Chemical Research Building 191
Railway Orphanage used 'W' B. Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria Prophylactic 260
'Rytol' - Lantern Slides 265

South Pole -Byrd Crosses by Air - 'Tabloid' Equipments 1
'Soloid' 'Tolamine' - Severe Cuts 21
State Recognition of 'Tabloid' First Aid in U. S. A. 26
Sodium Salicylate - 'Wellcome' Brand - Rectal Injections 27
Sodium Salicylate - B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 31
Syphilis - 'Hypoloid' Calomel 39
Syringes, 'Agla' and Cheap 45
Syringes, B. W. & Co. Hypodermic - 18 years old 45
Strange Secrets of Human Disease 46
Salesmanship - Meeting Competition Through Co-operation with the Buyer 62
Sodium Gynocardate - Leprosy 67
Sydney House Contributions 71
'Soloid' Tolamine' 71
Steel and Rustless Needles, B. W. & Co. 76
Superiority of 'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride 93
Syphilis - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 96
'Soloid' Stains and 'Tabloid' Toners - Photography Simplified 101
Solution of Andrée Mystery 104
Sydney Exhibition Galleries 113
Superiority of 'Wellcome' Brand Insulin 120
Sodium Bicarbonate, 'Tabloid', in Acidosis 126
Sodium Citrate, 'Tabloid' in Acidosis 126
Sydney Representative hears Praise of 'Kepler' 126
Smith, Dr., and Timmis - Alkaloids of Ergot 137
Superiority of 'Wellcome' Brand Insulin over German Insulins 141
'Soloid' 'Tolamine' in Dentistry 151
'Solid' Potassium Permanganate in Dentistry 151
Syringe and Needle in use after 20 years 175
Scarlet Fever Antitoxin in Septicaemia 183
Septicaemia - Scarlet Fever Antitoxin 183
'Soloid' and 'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals 190
'Saxin' Used by Australian Hospitals 199
Serum in Diphtheria 203
Skin Diseases - Endocrine Remedies 204
'Soloid' 'Tolamine' - Whitlows 225
Syphilis - 'Hypoloid' Bismuth Metal 225
Submarine Arctic Adventure - Sir Hubert Wilkins 227
Society of Chemical Industry - Members visit Wellcome Chemical Works 231
St. Paul's by Floodlight 244
'Soloid' 'Tolamine' - Chickenpox 251
Spitzbergen Glacier, Temple Bay, Photograph of 264
Sydney - B. W. & Co. New Building 270

The South Pole Again, November 30th, 1929 1
'Tabloid' Equipments - Pole Exploration 1
'Tabloid' 'Epinine' Compound - Cough 12
'Tabloid' Irradiated Ergosterol - Rickets 17
'Tabloid' First-Aid in U. S. A. 26
'Tabloid' Cascara Sagrada 28
'Tabloid' Irradiated Ergosterol 34
'Tabloid' Products 30 Years Old 35
'Tabloid' Soda Mint - 30 Years Old 36
'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Compound, Influenza 37
'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride, Superiority of, in Asthma 37
'Tabloid' Digitalis Leaf 41, 111, 165
Treatment and Cure of Rickets 46
Treatment - Prophylaxis of Canine Distemper 49
'Tabloid' Ferri Citras Co. - Malaria 59
'Tabloid' Blaud Pill and Haemoglobin Increase 59
"Times" Official Photographer Relies on 'Rytol' 60
'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride - Asthma 67
'Tabloid' All-Metal Dental Syringe 72
Tube Packing for "'Hazeline' Snow" 75
Tests for B. W. & Co. Steel and Rustless Needles 76
'Tabloid' Pyro-Metol 80
Treatment of Amoebic Dysentery - Kurchi Bark 86
'Tabloid' Medical Equipments - Polar Exhibition 87
'Tabloid' Digitalis Leaf - Tachycardia and Fibrillation 91
'Tabloid' Products Still Reliable after Prolonged Storage 91
Tachycardia and Fibrillation - Digitalis Leaf 91
'Tabloid' Equipments make Byrd Antarctic Expedition Possible 94, 95
Tuberculosis - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 96
Typhoid Fever - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 96
Tetanus - Photomicrographs Exhibit at B. M. A. 97
'Tabloid' Medical Equipments carried by Famous Explorers 104
'Tabloid' Products - Imitations 106
'Tabloid' Products - Leading Points About 106, 107
'Tolamine' 121
Treatment of Yaws - 'Neokharsivan' 121
'Tabloid' Parathyroid Gland - Leg Ulcers 124
'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound Effervescent - Vomiting 124
'Tabloid' Sodium Bicarbonate in Acidosis or Bilious Attacks 126
'Tabloid' Alkaline Comp. Eff. in Acidosis or Bilious Attacks (Compound Effervescent) 126
'Tabloid' Sodium Citrate in Acidosis or Bilious Attacks 126
'Tabloid' Potassium Bicarbonate in Acidosis 126
'Tabloid' - Always Write in Full 128
'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Compound 129
'Tabloid' 'Rytol' Developer for Sensitive Skins 131
Therapeutic and Prophylactic Value of Vaccines 139
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Case - War Relic 144
'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride - Asthma 148
'Tabloid' Glandular Products - Obesity 148
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland - Superiority 148
'Tabloid' Products - Accuracy of 153/4/5/6/7, 260
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment - Byrd Expedition 157
'Tabloid' Medicine Chest Presented to Hospital by the Queen 164
'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound 166
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Case in Constant Use for 25 Years 168
'Tabloid' Pyro Soda Developer 168
'Tabloid' Digitalis Leaf - Heart Troubles 174
'Tabloid' First-Aid or 'Tabloid' Medicine Cases as Wedding Gifts 187
'Tabloid' Toners 189
'Tabloid' and 'Soloid' Photographic Chemicals 190
'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride in Nocturnal Eneuresis 198
'Tabloid' Trade Mark 194
'Tabloid' Ammoniated Quinine 200
Toxicity of Phenolphthalein 200
'Tabloid' Laxative Vegetable 205
'Tabloid' Hexamine and Methylene Blue, Dog eats 206
'Tabloid' Photographic Chemicals, Stability of 207
'Tabloid' Desensitiser Will Not Stain the Emulsion 212
'Tabloid' First-Aid, Sir A. Cobham Pins his Faith to 213
'Tabloid' Carotene - First Exhibited at B. M. A. Eastbourne, 1931 215
Treatment of Leprosy by Intradermal Injection 220
Therapeutic Substances - "Buy British" 221
'Tabloid' Products 222
'Tabloid' Three Bromides - An Efficient Sedative 224
'Tabloid' 'Empirin' Compound in Influenza 225
'Tabloid' Medicine Chest Carried by Wilkins on Submarine Expedition to Arctic 228
'Tabloid' Medicine Chest Carried by Wilkins and Hearst to Antarctic (Illustration) 228
'Tabloid' Quinine in New Guinea 232
'Tabloid' Hypodermic Products Efficient after 20 years 233
'Tabloid' Calomel and Medium at Séance 233
'Tabloid' Thyroid Gland 235
'Tabloid' Potassium Iodide - Asthma 235
'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound Effervescent - Flatulence 250
'Tabloid' Antitoxin Floccules for Diphtheria Immunisation - W. P. R. L. 240
'Tabloid' Medical Equipment used by Sir Alan Cobham during Air Survey of Central Africa 248
'Tabloid' Carotene - Exhibited at L. M. E. 256/7
'Tabloid' Pituitary Gland (Posterior Lobe) 261
Temple Bay Glacier, Spitzbergen - Photograph of 264
Technique of Venal Sclerosis 273
'Tabloid' Thirst Quencher for the Diabetic 274

U. S. A. State Recognition of 'Tabloid' First-Aid 26
U. S. A. Chemist Impressed by the way the "Oil is held in Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract 27
U. S. A., Misbranding in 61
Ulcers - 'Tabloid' Parathyroid Glands 124
Urticaria - 'Tabloid' Ephedrine Hydrochloride 164
Unicorn - "Under the Banner of the 206

Virus and Unhealthy Dogs - Some Experiences with Preventives of Dog Distemper 13
Vitamin Fallacy 17
Vitamins - 'Kepler' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract 17
Viosterol and Cod Liver Oil 34, 209
Venereal Diseases - 'Hypoloid' Calomel 39
Vaccines for "Common Colds" - Are they satisfactory? 43
Vitamins - Recent Advances in Knowledge of 52
Vitamin D Value of Milk and Cod Liver Oil, Relative 55
'Vaporole' Ephedrine Spray Co. - Nasal Catarrh 68
'Vaporole' Iodine - First Aid Topic 101, 102, 103
Vomiting - 'Tabloid' Alkaline Compound Effervescent 124
'Vaporole' Aromatic Ammonia in Industrial Plants 124
Vitamin D, Dosage of 138
Vaccines, Therapeutic and Prophylactic Value 139
'Vaporole' Amyl Nitrate, min. 5 - Perfectly Good Condition after 20 years 140
'Vaporole' Aromatic Ammonia in Dentistry 150
Vitamin Content of 'Kepler' Preparations 178
Varicose Veins - 'Hypoloid' Sodium Morrhuate 181
Viosterol versus Cod Liver Oil 209
Valley of Stryn, Photograph of 264
Vitamin A and its Functions 271
Venal Sclerosis, Technique of 274

Wellcome Dispensary in Antarctic 2
W. C. R. L. - Dr. Power - Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prophylaxis of Leprosy (Wellcome Chemical Research Laboratories) 2
W. P. R. L. - Dog Distemper Investigators 12
'W' P. E. C. in Persia 13
Wellcome's Medical Diary, 1930 22
'W' P. E. C. Handbook and Diary, 1930 24
'Wellcome' Brand Sodium Salicylate - Rectal Injections 27
'Wellcome' Brand Bismuth Carbonate - B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 31
'Wellcome' Ergotoxine Ethanesulphonate - B. W. & Co. Exhibit at B. I. F. 31
'W' P. E. C. 38, 51, 60, 70, 207, 265
'W' P. E. C. and Secretary of Edinburgh Photographic Society 14
Wellcome's Medical Diary 38
'Wellcome' Digitalis Tincture 41
W. P. R. L. 48
'Wellcome' Brand Diphtheria Prophylactic Toxoid-Antitoxin Floccules 57, 170
W. H. M. M. - Centenary Celebrations of Henry Hill Hickman 65
'Wellcome' Brand Concentrated Anti-Gas-Gangrene Serum 70
Whooping Cough - Ephedrine Hydrochloride 71
'Wellcome' Liver Extract 72
Whooping Cough - 'Elixoid' Ephedrine Co. 79
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin 79, 167, 238
'Wellcome' P. E. C. - Appreciation 82
Worthless Cod Liver Oil Tablets 83
W. P. R. L. and Puerperal and Scarlet Fever Streptococcus 83
'Wellcome' Brand Tincture of Digitalis - Heart Trouble 84
World's Greatest Heart Remedy (Digitalis) by Dr. E. Podolsky 107
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin - Diabetes 112
Window Display - 'Kepler' C. L. O. c M. E. (1930/31) 115
'W' P. E. C., 1931 116
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin - Proved Superiority of 120
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin - Superiority of 141
War Relic - 'Tabloid' Hypodermic Case 144
Wellcome Foundation Medical and Chemical Research Building 153
Wellcome Dispensary at "Little America" 159
'Wellcome' Conc. Anti-Gas-Gangrene Globs. - Peritonitis and Appendicitis (Concentrated Globulins) 167
'Wellcome' Anti-Streptococcus Serum 167
'W' P. E. C., 1931 169, 175, 187
'Wellcome' Brand Chenopodium Oil 170
'W' P. E. C. - American Appreciation 176
'W' B. Concentrated Streptococcus Antitoxin - (Scarlatina) - Globulins 183
W. P. R. L. - New Work in Diphtheria Immunisation 184
Wedding Gifts - 'Tabloid' First-Aid or Medicine Case 187
Wellcome, Dr. H. S. - Bust in Sculpture Section of R. A. Exhibition 191
Wellcome Foundation Medical and Research Building - Elevation of, on View at R. A. Exhibition 191
'Wellcome' Brand Ascaridole in Filarial Fever 196
'Wellcome' Brand Liquid Extract of Cascara Sagrada 202
Whitlows - 'Soloid' 'Tolamine' 225
Wilkins Arctic Submarine Adventure 227
Wilkins, Sir Hubert, Carries 'T' Medicine Chest on Nautilus 228
Wilkins-Hearst Expedition - Illustration of 'Tabloid' Equipment Carried 228
Wellcome Chemical Works - Visit of Members of Society of Chemical Industry 231
'Wellcome' Brand Anti-Gas-Gangrene Globulins 233
Wellcome, Dr. - Elected Honorary President of A. P. A 237
W. P. R. L. - Toxoid Antitoxin Floccules for Diphtheria Immunisation 240
Wellcome Chemical Works by Floodlight 246, 247
Westminster Abbey by Floodlight 245
'Wellcome' Brand Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria Prophylactic used in Railway Orphanage 260
Will-making in Emergency - Wellcome's Medical Diary 261
'Wellcome' Brand Insulin - Does not cause Pain 261
Wellcome Research Institution - Laying of Corner Stone 267
Wellcome Chemical and Galenical Works, New York 269
'Wellcome' Brand Ouabain 273

Xerophthalmia 180
X-ray Burns - 'Borofax' for Prevention of 190

Yaws - 'Neokharsivan' 121, 186



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Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust

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