Guardbooks (Scrapbooks)
- Burroughs Wellcome and Co Ltd
- Date:
- 1880 - 1957
- Reference:
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
This was an original collection, based in the Marketing Literary Department. Examples of each printed item relating to the company and its products was collected and retained for reference. Each series was collated chronologically, and gives an insight into the daily work of the company: the production of individual drugs, marketing campaigns, advertising trends, as well as organisational changes and items relating to company social events.
Most of the items pasted into the guard books came direct from the company printing press at the Dartford Chemical Works, and occasional glimpses of non-company life in Dartford can be seen (such as printed leaflets for staff or local social events). A good proportion are 'pulls and proofs', the printing layout to be placed in newspapers or actual examples of the advertisements printed in newspapers. There are some additional press cuttings which were items about the company and products written by non-company people.
The collection includes printed material such as organisational circulars, pulls and proofs, product labels, advertisements for pharmaceutical and veterinary products placed in a range of public and trade publications, prints or photographs, newspaper cuttings, monthly memoranda, and instruction books.
There are a small number of volumes which originated in the Marketing Department and were stored with the Guard Books. However, they are 'operational' volumes such as Travellers' Calls Registers. [Misc Advertising Volumes onwards].
In addition to the original collection of material a small number of items have been transferred to this collection in 2003, from miscellaneous Accessions, primarily WFA: Acc82/1. This includes a guard book containing biographies of senior staff, and additional marketing campaign guard books.
Unfortunately, due to the extremely poor condition of these volumes the majority will be unavailable for public consultation until extensive remedial conservation work (as well as cataloguing) has been carried out. A small number of volumes have been microfilmed or catalogued and conserved - which is a lengthy process. Enquiries regarding uncatalogued material, in which researchers may have an interest, should be made to Wellcome Library Archives & Manuscripts. Sub-Series descriptions give a breakdown and an indication of what survives.
Items have been indexed by by product, so for each advertising book an alphabetical list has been given, with the corresponding page number. The style used was dictated by the conservation requirements as well as by anticipated user requirements.
Pasted into the books in chronological order, some items were originally annotated with the date, either on the item or next to the item, on the page. As the guard book pages were disintegrating the date, and any other ms information on the pages, have been transferred to the item catalogue descriptions.
(see also lists of abbreviations for individual series)
McK & R - McKesson & Robbins.