Glass Lantern Slides

Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


No previous titles on slides, so descriptions are approximate. At least one of the images was later adapted for use by Burroughs Wellcome & Co for promotional purposes.

Majority of the slides taken in Africa, illustrating street scenes, agriculture, river fishing and the indigenous population. The slides may have been taken in the Sudan, possibly by staff at the Wellcome Tropical Research Institute (one slide (34, Box 3) resembles the floating laboratory; slide (32, Box 4) appears to be of the statue shown on the programme for a dinner in honour of Andrew Balfour).

Other slides include images of soldiers (from Central Europe or the Balkans judging by their uniforms); cricketing scenes (possibly the Burroughs Wellcome cricketing club) and an aerial view (possibly the Wellcome Chemical Works, Dartford).

Slide (47) is of Captain Robert Falcon Scott's team, British Antarctic Expedition, at their camp, twenty miles from Mount Erebus, Antarctica, 1910. The image was taken with Burroughs Wellcome Tabloid photographic chemicals, and was later used to advertise the product.



Physical description

4 boxes [44 slides]

Biographical note

Glass lantern slides, originally stored in a wooden box. Slides were numbered but as the numbers were duplicated it suggests these slides were amalgamated at an earlier date.

Copyright note

Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust

Location of duplicates

A copy of slide (47) adapted by BW&Co for promotional purposes is available through Wellcome Images (L0032246).

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