Envelopes 151-290 [some missing]

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Pioneer Health Centre Peckham, with papers of George Scott Williamson MD (1884-1953) and Innes Hope Pearse (1889-1978)
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Envelopes 151-290 [some missing]. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


151I. The need to study health in wholes not parts.; 156. Collection and recollection in memory of a loaf of bread; 158. Coming and going futures with reference to time and space; 159M&E. Content and context of meaning, and illustration of master key, master lock, re electivity; 160. Use of ethognomy for ethology (2 versions); 161. Coming and going futures. Choice and chance. Presence and Present; 162. Basic note: gravity/mass, time/clock time, will/determination; 164. Definition of ethonomy and scrap notes on experience v experiment; 166M. ‘Will as a Weathercock'; 167. Toleration and Immunity. Absence of aesthesia; 168. The next stage in society as biological evolution; 168Z. Innocence - infant as limb of trunk in natural growth and development; 169. Essential role of nurture; 171. 1) Two futures of physical universe. The artist-authority. 2) Mutilated whimsicial scrap on same theme. 3) Fear and love of unknown future. 4) Brief original bon-mot on ‘cultivation of virginity'; 172B/C. see 171; 173. Relativity-complements or alternatives. The coming and going future. The present.; 174. Memory. Will. The Futures; 176. Physical and biological world and concept of equity and diversity; 177. Senescence-Juvenescence. Memory-will, ref Darwin as Copernicus of biology; and short typed original note on The Observer in Science, ref Einstein; 178. Superstition to substitution; 179M. Einstein's theory; 181/181I. Original bon mots: 1. Spring of life 2. Bionomic and physionomic proof. 3. ‘Adaptation' to circumstances; 182. 1. Love and fear in Living. 2. Pathology of Society; 183Z. On not choosing disorder; 185. The physicist's world. The living world. (major statements); 186D.. Equity and diversity as a question of SEX; [186S culled JDT]; 187. Recollection-(Mind), Collection-(Psyche), Consciousness; 188. 1) Cellular basis of injury 2) Civiometry-civics re sociology 3) The functionary in his inhabitation 4) Factor relating to observation and study of the Functionary 5) Brief scrap copy on Pregnancy today; [190. culled JDT]; 192. Learning of infant from mother through ‘internal faculties'. ; 193. Mathematics of equities and diversities in their relation to the whole; 194I. The action of biological entity and that of total situation as whole; [195 culled JDT]; 196C/H. 1) Society as organisation of subjects 2) Biognomy v Biology; [197I culled JDT]; 199. Anatomy of biological engines – (v. automatic engine) in relation to ‘nervous energy'; 200. Cinema pictures related only to sensation - a half truth; 201. The significance of nurture at Peckham re specificity; 202A. Splitting the atom; 203. The illusion and mirage of the PAST. The future the only reality; 204M. The power of circumstance in physics and in living world. The meaning of determinism; 205S. Evolutionary force; 207. ‘Doing nothing'. Love and hate.; 209. Sperm and ova in Yolk. Juvenescence and senescence; 210. Nature of allergy and compensation (1939-1945); 211. The power of the context of the whole on the parts in nature; 212M. Use of ordinary words to carry new specific meaning. Pathological fear of the unknown.; 213. Significance of ‘falling in love'; nurture of specificity in faculty for genesis-the question of ‘SEX'; 214. Remembering and forgetting in memory. The growth of specific discrimination in our faculties (post 1940); 216/216A. Significance of SEX in growth, development, differentiation.; Inherent and adherent diversity. Bias of sex: incretion, excretion of glands etc in relation to living environment: the egg - of hen and ofMan (1939-1945); [218L. culled JDT]; 219. Lists of contents sketched for ‘Science Synthesis and Sanity'???; problems of research in UK with no ‘Voluntary Organisations'; brief note on placenta as common organ of foetus and mother; 220. Original notes [Parental Education]; 221. ALL v WHOLE; content of parts; context of circumstance; directivity and autonomy in mechanism and in biological machine; 222. Ethology and processes of living and dying; v pathology; choice - chance; altruity; autonomy; the ethology of physical cosmos (post 1945); 223/223P. Universals of present and future v fiction of past; social menstruation v motherhood; social pregnancy v home; 224. Mind and body; aesthesia - facts and faiths; living world v space-time; senescence and juvenescence in biological world; getting rid of the past as causal factor; 226. Basic statement of THE CENTRE as an experiment; principles of periodical overhaul, family orientation; 227. Living and dying and death; homo sapiens; homo morbidus; homo sporogenes; 228. Major statements re: Placental organ history; familiarity in nurture; birth: puberty: mating of maturity; 229M/C. Developmental stage of adolescence - to courtship, + note on the use of the word mutual (1940-1945); 230B/F. Significance of bipolarity in mechanism; and in machinery of living organism; 231. The origin and development of the ovum and ovaries. Fertilisation; 232. Effect of materio-dynamic quantities on biological entities; 233. Euclid's point. Geometry. Dynometry. Biometry. ; 234S. Focus v attention. Zero action of senses; 235H/F. Possibility of eliminating virginity by pseudomaturity by grafting at human level. The use of the bioscope; 236F. Elimination of past. Becoming and begetting futures; 237. Space-time. Memory-will; 238. Nature of space and time; 239. Principles of order in nature. Automatics. Autonomics. Tendency to wholeness (and a maximum). The healthy observer. Synthesis of CHOICE and CHANCE.; 240F. The FUTURE in SCIENCE. Future as generalisation of present. Present as particularisation of future. Reference to man as ‘observer' [Extract only]; 241M/E. [collection of original material, set in order by IHP]; 242. Critical field of focus in vision. Relativities within a whole; 243. THE ‘PAST' V THE TWO FUTURES. ; 244. Use of familiar words to describe the new and unfamiliar. Words as action patterns; 245. (Green book). Origination of ovum in ovary. Bipolarity in mechanism and in living entities; 247. Physiology of how to do what can be done (post 1945); 248P. Prevention and cure. Insusceptibility v Immunity. Science of ethology as basis of any health charter (post 1945); 249. Memory and space time with reference to physical scientists (ref to Einstein and Planck) (post 1945); 250. Two views of vision evidenced in the faculties and the threshold of convergence (post 1945); 251. Memory. Faculties of remembering and of willingness; 253. Bipolarity in wholeness of vision; 254I/F. Specificity and faculty for digestion; 257M/W. Memory/will: characteristics; 259. Space-time as parts of a unity of meaning. ; [261 onwards: few titles on envelopes: information in square brackets taken from annotations on notes inside]; 261M [Memory]; 262F. [Memory-Will]; 263 [Memory]; 264 [Will]; 265 [Present]; 266. Autonomics. Futures. Memory. Scientist. Wholeness.; 267. [Automatics. ENERGY-EMURGY. Functionary.]; 268. [Evolution. Choice. Functionary.]; 269. [EMURGY]; 270 see 520. [Aesthetics. Love.]; 271. [Biochemist]; 272. [Memory]; 273. [Functionary]; 274W. [Philosopher vs Technologer]; 275. [Introduction: Philosopher vs Technologist]; 276. [Functionary]; 277. [S-J. Distinction between Perpetuate and Propagate]; 278. [Genesis Pt II]; 279. [Note saying ‘Yolk-Sac out of 280'.]; 280. [Futures. Senescence/Juvenesence]; 281. [Memory/Re the Scientist]; 282. [Mind]; 283. [Society]. ; 285. [Functionary]; 286. [Entropy/Quality]; 287. [Memory-Will. The Egg.]; 288. [Functionary]; 289. [Engine (Power)]; 290. [(A.1 Peckham)]; ; ; ; ;



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