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  • Waiting Room, St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
  • Royal Free Hospital, showing exterior of Hospital. Testimonial presented to Dr. Marsden; female waiting room and male waiting room.
  • The German Hospital, Dalston: patients waiting in the waiting room. Photograph by Marshall, Keene & Co.
  • Eastman Dental Hospital, London: the waiting room. Process print, 1926.
  • Institute of Medical Psychology, London: the waiting room. Process print, 1929.
  • University College Hospital, London: the outpatients' waiting room and dispensary. Wood engraving, 1872.
  • University College Hospital, London: the outpatients' waiting room and dispensary. Wood engraving, 1872.
  • Great Northern Central Hospital, Holloway Road, London: the out-patient waiting room. Photograph, 1912.
  • Franco-Prussian War: showing a waiting room at Chemin de Fer l'Ouest used as a hospital. Wood engraving by P. de Kartow.
  • A patient thanking his dentist for pulling a tooth out and asking can he go and finish reading a magazine in the waiting-room. Reproduction of a drawing after H. Batchelor, 1928.