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40 results
  • Waiting Room, St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
  • Royal Free Hospital, showing exterior of Hospital. Testimonial presented to Dr. Marsden; female waiting room and male waiting room.
  • The German Hospital, Dalston: patients waiting in the waiting room. Photograph by Marshall, Keene & Co.
  • Eastman Dental Hospital, London: the waiting room. Process print, 1926.
  • Institute of Medical Psychology, London: the waiting room. Process print, 1929.
  • University College Hospital, London: the outpatients' waiting room and dispensary. Wood engraving, 1872.
  • University College Hospital, London: the outpatients' waiting room and dispensary. Wood engraving, 1872.
  • Great Northern Central Hospital, Holloway Road, London: the out-patient waiting room. Photograph, 1912.
  • Franco-Prussian War: showing a waiting room at Chemin de Fer l'Ouest used as a hospital. Wood engraving by P. de Kartow.
  • A patient thanking his dentist for pulling a tooth out and asking can he go and finish reading a magazine in the waiting-room. Reproduction of a drawing after H. Batchelor, 1928.
  • A man with a ribbon on his hat and a flower in his buttonhole waits for a woman in the next room who is putting on a bonnet. Lithograph by Jules David.
  • A wedding in Brittany: the women of the family adjust the young bride's dress as music is played and the groom and guests wait on the stairs to enter the room. Etching by C.O. Murray after Henry Mosler.
  • A scene inside an inn: left, a guest is waited on by a servant girl bringing food, and by a blind masseur; right, in another room, geishas apply cosmetics to their faces. Reprint (ca. 1900) of coloured woodcut by Hiroshige, 1834.
  • The Pasteur Institute Hospital, Kasauli, India: Indian patients holding treatment cards awaiting inoculation against rabies. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • A scared man allowing someone else to take his place in the queue at the dentists. Reproduction of a drawing after G.L Stampa, 1925.
  • Mothers holding their sick children waiting to consult a physician. Lithograph by K. Kollwitz, 1920.
  • The Pasteur Institute Hospital, Kasauli, India: Indian patients awaiting examination and giving their medical history, prior to treatment for rabies. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • The Pasteur Institute Hospital, Kasauli, India: Indian patients receiving their allocation of blankets and cooking equipment. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • The Pasteur Institute Hospital, Kasauli, India: Indian patients receiving their daily financial allowance for food; an illiterate patient (right) has his thumb inked to provide a thumb-print receipt. Photograph, ca. 1910.
  • The London Hospital, Whitechapel: receiving day for outpatients. Process print after W. W. Russell.
  • The London Hospital, Whitechapel: receiving day for outpatients. Process print after W. W. Russell.
  • Two female patients taking advantage of a young inexperienced doctor's desire to please by taking up too much of his time. Wood engraving by G. Du Maurier, 1875.
  • Canton, Kwangtung province, China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Canton, Kwangtung province, China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Clock and Watchmakers Asylum, Colney Hatch, Southgate, Middlesex: panoramic view. Coloured wood engraving by J. Knight.