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  • Voice, song, and speech : a practical guide for singers and speakers from the combined view of vocal surgeon and voice trainer / by Lennox Browne and Emil Behnke.
  • C18 Chinese woodcut: Hoarse-voice throat
  • C18 Chinese woodcut: Throat abscess with hoarse voice
  • Pg. 50, The voice : an introduction..., W.A.Aiken, 1910
  • Pg. 51, The voice : an introduction..., W.A.Aiken, 1910
  • The voice : an introduction to practical phonology / by W.A. Aikin.
  • The voice : an introduction to practical phonology / by W.A. Aikin.
  • The voice : an introduction to practical phonology / by W.A. Aikin.
  • Voice building and tone placing : showing a new method of relieving injured vocal cords by tone exercises / by H. Holrook Curtis.
  • Voice building and tone placing : showing a new method of relieving injured vocal cords by tone exercises / by H. Holrook Curtis.