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  • Scene from the lives of Saints Cosmas and Saints Damian.
  • Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas and Damian.
  • A verger's dream; Saints Cosmas and Damian, 1495
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian, from altar piece, by Huget.
  • Saints Cosmas and Damian, from altar piece, by Huget.
  • A Mousterian burial place at La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France
  • Contents of a Breverl, showing the emblems of various Saints.
  • Martyrdom of Saints Andochius (?) and Thyrsus (?). Coloured etching.
  • Painting of Saints Cosmas and Damian. In possession of Senor Lazaro, Madrid.
  • Sixteen Christian saints. Woodcut.