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  • Douglas's encyclopædia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendants, city, county or local authority officers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades.
  • Douglas's encyclopædia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendants, city, county or local authority officers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades.
  • Douglas's encyclopædia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendants, city, county or local authority officers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades.
  • Douglas's encyclopædia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendants, city, county or local authority officers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades.
  • Douglas's encyclopædia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendants, city, county or local authority officers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades.
  • Douglas's encyclopædia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendants, city, county or local authority officers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision and general food trades.
  • Regd.  offices of Century Thermal Bath Cabinet Ltd., 203-205, Regent Street, London, W. / A.R. Pointing, managing director.
  • A man hands a piece of paper to another sitting at a computer in an office; a message about HIV/AIDS in the workplace; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the CII, the Confederation of Indian Industry programme on HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Colour lithograph by Amita P. Gupta, ca. 1997.
  • Guidelines for a joint Labour-management Workplace Policy on AIDS with logo illustrations by the AIDS Unit Department of Health, Government of Hong Kong (large version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Guidelines for a Workplace Policy on AIDS