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  • Paul Ehrlich's Nobel Prize Diploma
  • Paul Ehrlich: his Nobel Prize citation, 29 October 1908. Colour photograph.
  • Henry Dale: Nobel prize awarded in 1936
  • Front cover of Wellcome News, Special Nobel Prize Issue, 1988, showing Hitchings and Elion.
  • Nobel prize awarded to Henry Dale in 1936
  • Sir Henry Dale and Professor Otto Loewi outside the Grand Hotel, Stockholm at the time of the presentation to them of the Nobel Prize for the Physiology and Medicine, 1936.
  • King of Sweden presents Nobel prizes in Stockholm.
  • Les Prix Nobel.
  • Portrait of Otto Loewi in Boston, 1929
  • Pencil sketch of the DNA double helix by Francis Crick. It shows a right-handed helix and the nucleotides of the two anti-parallel strands.