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  • Baths and laundries, Mayfield, Manchester, England: design drawings with scale and verbal key. Wood engraving, 1858.
  • Details of the roof, gallery and private baths of Mayfield baths and laundries, Manchester. Wood engraving, 1858.
  • Mayfield baths and laundries, Manchester: interior. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1858, after B. Sly after T. Worthington.
  • Mayfield baths and laundries, Manchester: interior. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1858, after B. Sly after T. Worthington.
  • The hospitals have first claim on the output of the laundries : this and other priority work for the services is keeping us busy, but, we hope in a very short time to be able to give you a much better delivery service ... / The Retford Laundry.
  • "A friend in need is a friend indeed : Sunlight soap is a friend in need : it does double the work in half the time. It washes clothes easily and well. It is used in the Royal laundries. And brightens homes everywhere / Lever Brothers Ltd.
  • Advert for 'Sunlight' laundry soap
  • Advert for 'Sunlight' laundry soap
  • University Children's Hospital, Vienna: the laundry. Photograph, 1921.
  • Nurses in the laundry of a hospital. Photograph, 191-.