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  • Tell the world what you're doing about AIDS : World AIDS Day 1 December 1988 : join the worldwide effort / this day is sponsored by World Health Organization - Global Programme on AIDS.
  • A faithful couple, opening a condom packet, a woman receiving a blood transfusion that has been screened for HIV, sterilised skin piercing instruments and an HIV positive woman seeking health advice before planning a baby; advice by the World Health Organization about the way AIDS can be prevented. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A group of male and a female naked body, one lying down with the words: 'Offensiv Positiv - frischer Wind aus Südwest'' [Positive offensive - fresh wind from the Southwest]; an advertisement for the 4th Federal Assembly of people with HIV and AIDS from 8 to 11 September 1994 at the Hotel Maritim in Stuttgartin organized by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe eV, with the support of the Ministry for Health, the BZgA . Colour lithograph by Hannes Steinert and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • World AIDS Day : Monday 1st December 1997 / organised by Edinburgh and the Lothians Word AIDS Day Planning Group ; funded by Lothian Health and The City of Edinburgh Council ; Crusaid Scotland.
  • World AIDS Day : Monday 1st December 1997 / organised by Edinburgh and the Lothians Word AIDS Day Planning Group ; funded by Lothian Health and The City of Edinburgh Council ; Crusaid Scotland.
  • An Asian man points to a globe watched by three youths representing an advertisement for sex education to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS by the World Health Organization (WHO). Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Women preparing a chicken and washing their hands: protecting from avian flu in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2006.
  • Women preparing a chicken and washing their hands: protecting from avian flu in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2006.
  • A crowd of Indian women holding babies; representing a warning by the World Health Organization about for the vulnerability of women and HIV/AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1994.
  • Many people attempt to board an already crowded bus: importance of family planning in Ghana. Colour lithograph by the Ministry of Health Ghana, ca. 2000.