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  • A pastoral scene with women picking grapes and a man on an ox-cart. Etching by H. Lepind after E. Debat-Ponsan, 1886.
  • Dimapur, a drug addict, debating on if he is HIV+ or not; an advertisement by Lifeline, NMA Kripa, Prodigal Home, and the State AIDS Office Nagaland. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A soldier with one arm debates with a sailor with a wooden leg the merits of the army and the navy. Reproduction of an etching by I. & G. Cruikshank, 1806.
  • A soldier with one arm debates with a sailor with a wooden leg the merits of the army and the navy. Reproduction of an etching by I. & G. Cruikshank, 1806.
  • Antiseptic surgery : an address delivered at St Thomas's Hospital with the subsequent debate to which are added a short statement of the theory of the antiseptic method, a description of the materials employed in carrying it out, and some applications of the method to operations and injuries in different regions of the body, and to wounds received in war / by William MacCormac.
  • Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
  • Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
  • Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
  • The Indian Nectar, or, A discourse concerning Chocolata : Wherein the Nature of the Cacao-nut, and the other Ingredients of that Composition, is examined, and stated according to the Judgment and Experience of the Indians, and Spanish writers, who lived in the Indies, and others; with sundry additional Observations made in England: The ways of compounding and preparing Chocolata are enquired into; its Effects, as to its alimental and Venereal quality, as well as Medicinal (especially in Hypochondriacal Melancholy) are fully debated. Together with a Spagyrical Analysis of the Cacao-nut, performed by that excellent Chymist, Monsieur le Febure, Chymist to His Majesty. / By Henry Stubbe.
  • The Indian Nectar, or, A discourse concerning Chocolata : Wherein the Nature of the Cacao-nut, and the other Ingredients of that Composition, is examined, and stated according to the Judgment and Experience of the Indians, and Spanish writers, who lived in the Indies, and others; with sundry additional Observations made in England: The ways of compounding and preparing Chocolata are enquired into; its Effects, as to its alimental and Venereal quality, as well as Medicinal (especially in Hypochondriacal Melancholy) are fully debated. Together with a Spagyrical Analysis of the Cacao-nut, performed by that excellent Chymist, Monsieur le Febure, Chymist to His Majesty. / By Henry Stubbe.