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  • Christopher Atkinson pilloried as part of his sentence for cheating on the Navy Victualling Board; illustrated by a pillory embellished with sheafs of corn amidst a huge crowd outside the corn exchange. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • Jesus is arrested in the night in the garden of Gethsemane. Engraving by A. Reindel after H. Füger.
  • Judas kisses Christ and he is arrested; Peter cuts off Malchus's ear. Engraving after A. Dürer, 1508.
  • Judas kisses Jesus under a forest of flags, spears and lanterns; Peter cuts off the ear of Malchus. Aquatint with etching by C.M. Metz after B. Tisi, il Garofalo.
  • Two prisoners sitting together in a cell and one watching them from a distance; representing unwarranted social isolation of AIDS-infected and ill people in jail. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Open-air market outside the temple of Shah Ahmed, Kandahar, Afghanistan. Coloured lithograph by R. Carrick after Lieutenant James Rattray, c. 1847.
  • Social isolation of AIDS-infected and ill people in jail.
  • Mercury lies dying from cholera, surrounded by ministers; representing the sickly state of the French economy in the 1830s. Coloured etching, c. 1832.
  • Philiates (Filiates), Albania (subsequently Greece): the town and surrounding mountains. Colour lithograph after G.D. Beresford, 1855.
  • Middlesex House of Correction: male prisoners treading on the boards of a treadmill: in the foreground others sit resting. Wood engraving by W.B. Gardner, 1874, after M. Fitzgerald.
