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  • Med.Times Gazette, "Religious Melancholia and Convalescence"
  • 'Religious melancholia and convalescence'
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Religious Mania, convalescence".
  • Incretone : prescribe in asthenia, general debility, convalescence ...
  • Idozan (Fe) : as a restorative in convalescence and in cases of anaemia.
  • During convalescence prescribe Angier's Emulsion : improves appetite, digestion, nutrition, acceptable to the most delicate stomach.
  • Byno-Haemoglobin : valuable in anaemia, incipient phthisis, and in convalescence, especially of children : January 1905.
  • Byno-Haemoglobin : valuable in incipient phthisis, anaemia and in convalescence, especially of children : September 1910.
  • Byno-Haemoglobin : valuable in anaemia, incipient phthisis, and in convalescence, especially of children : September 1908.
  • In convalescence Dianabol builds the patient up : the engraver builds his colour picture : bleeding heart tetra.