322 results filtered with: Mythology
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The birth of Adonis. Etching by H. van Swanevelt.
Date: 1654Reference: 11711i- Books
Les nains et les elfes au Moyen Age / Claude Lecouteux ; préface de Régis Boyer.
Lecouteux, Claude.Date: [1988], ©1988- Archives and manuscripts
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Stukeley, William (1687-1765)
Stukeley, William, 1687-1765Date: 1739Reference: MS.4724- Books
Schamanen, Pseudoschamanen, Erlöser und Heilbringer : eine vergleichende Studie religiöser Urphänomene / Matthias Hermanns.
Hermanns, Matthias, 1899-1972.Date: 1970- Books
Tuluak and amaulik : dialogues on death and mourning with the Inuit Eskimo of Point Barrow and Wainwright, Alaska / by Stacey B. Day ; with the editorial assistance of Thomas Dillon Redshaw.
Day, Stacey B.Date: [1973], ©1973- Books
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Demonology and devil-lore / by Moncure Daniel Conway.
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907.Date: 1879- Books
De slangestaf van Asklepios als symbool van de geneeskunde / door Jan Schouten.
Schouten, Jan.Date: 1963- Books
Grandmothers of the light : a medicine woman's sourcebook / Paula Gunn Allen.
Allen, Paula Gunn.Date: [1991], ©1991- Books
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Altgriechische Märchen in der Odyssee : ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Mythologie / von Georg Gerland.
Gerland, Georg Karl Cornelius, 1833-1919.Date: 1869- Books
L'art et la philosophie des Indiens de l'Amérique du Nord : série de conférences faites à la Sorbonne aux mois d'avril et de mai 1925 / Hartley Burr Alexander ; prćd́ée d'une préface par A. van Gennep.
Alexander, Hartley Burr, 1873-1939.Date: 1926- Books
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A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature / by John Dowson.
Dowson, John, active 1913.Date: 1879- Books
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Demonology and devil-lore / by Moncure Daniel Conway.
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907.Date: 1879- Books
Märchen und Sagen der nordamerikanischen Indianer / von Karl Knortz.
Knortz, Karl, 1841-1918.Date: 1871- Books
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La mythologie et les fables expliquées par l'historie / [Banier (Antoine)].
Banier, M. l'abbé (Antoine), 1673-1741.Date: 1738-1740- Books
Psyche and death : death-demons in folklore, myths, and modern dreams / by Edgar Herzog ; translated from the German by David Cox and Eugene Rolfe.
Herzog, Edgar.Date: ©2000, ©1983- Books
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili : the strife of love in a dream / Francesco Colonna ; the entire text translated for the first time into English with an introduction by Joscelyn Godwin ; with the original woodcut illustrations.
Colonna, Francesco, -1527.Date: 1999- Books
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Völkerpsychologie : eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte / von Wilhelm Wundt.
Wundt, Wilhelm Max, 1832-1920.Date: 1904-1906- Books
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Maidu texts / by Roland B. Dixon.
Dixon, Roland Burrage, 1875-1934.Date: 1912- Books
Indians of northeastern North America / by Christian F. Feest.
Feest, Christian F.Date: 1986- Books
Storymaking and creative groupwork with older people / Paula Crimmens.
Crimmens, PaulaDate: 1998- Books
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The temples and ritual of Asklepios at Epidauros and Athens : Two lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.
Caton, Richard.Date: 1900- Books
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Haida texts and myths, Skidegate dialect / recorded by John R. Swanton.
Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958.Date: 1905- Books
- Online
Origine de tous les cultes, ou religion universelle / [Dupuis].
Dupuis, 1742-1809.Date: 1822- Books
On hell / Johanna Hedva.
Hedva, Johanna, 1984-Date: [2018]- Books
The Asklepian myths revalued / Chauncey D. Leake.
Leake, Chauncey Depew, 1896-1978.Date: [1960?]