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Cow-pox inoculation no security against small-pox infection / by William Rowley. To which are added, the modes of treating the beastly new diseases produced from cow pox, explained by two coloured copper-plate engravings, as cow-pox mange, cow-pox ulcers, cow-pox evil or abscess, cow-pox mortification, &c., with the author's certain, experienced, and successful mode of inoculating for the small pox, which now becomes necessary from cow-pox failure, &c.
Rowley, William, 1742 or 1743-1806.Date: 1805- Books
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Letters to Dr. Rowley, on his late pamphlet, entitled "Cow-pox inoculation, no security against small-pox infection." / By Aculeus.
Aculeus, pseud.Date: 1805- Books
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Cow-pox inoculation no security against small-pox infection ... To which are added, the modes of treating the beastly new diseases produced from cow pox ... With the author's certain, experienced, and successful mode of inoculating for the small pox. Which now becomes necessary from cow-pox failure, &c / [William Rowley].
Rowley, William, 1742-1806Date: 1805- Digital Images
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Cow Poxed, Ox Faced Boy - illustration to "Cow-Pox Inoculation No Security Against Small-Pox Infection" by W. Rowley.
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Mon journal de l'an 1807, ou voilà les gens du 18me siècle. De la vaccine, etc. etc / seconde édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée; à la fin de laquelle on a joint la réfutation des trois derniers ouvrages anglais [by W. Rowley, B. Moseley and R.. Squirrell], traduits en français [by G.B. Depping] en 1807, contre la découverte de Jenner. Quelques réflexions sur l'éducation, suivies d'une lettre de J.J. [Rousseau] sur le même sujet, et d'une lettre au Gastronome. Par M. Parfait.
Parfait, J.Date: 1808- Books
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Cow-pox inoculation no security against small-pox infection. : To which are added, the modes of treating the beastly new diseases produced from cow pox ... With the author's certain, experienced, and successful mode of inoculating for the small pox, which now becomes necessary from cow-pox failure, &c.
Rowley, William, 1742-1806.Date: 1806- Books
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[Reviews of books on inoculation and vaccination.
Date: 1806]- Pictures
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Ann Davis, a woman with smallpox and horns growing out of her head. Stipple engraving by T. Woolnoth, 1806.
Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785-Date: 1 January 1806Reference: 11759i