70 results filtered with: Prophecies
- Archives and manuscripts
Avellar, Bento Jozé De
Avellar, Bento Jozé DeDate: 1798Reference: MS.1025- Archives and manuscripts
More, Henry (1614-1687)
More, Henry, 1614-1687Date: 1777Reference: MS.3628- Archives and manuscripts
Paracelsus (Bombastus ab Hohenheim) (1493-1541) (Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus). (1493-1541) (& others)
Date: c.1570Reference: MS.596- Books
The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, physician to Henry II. Francis II. and Charles IX., kings of France, and one of the best astronomers that ever were. A work full of curiosity and learning / Translated and commented by Theophilvs de Garencieres.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.Date: 1672- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
Hugo de Ameto, Collection of extracts and notes, mainly on medical astrology
Hugo de AmetoDate: Late 15th centuryReference: MS.364- Archives and manuscripts
Brocardo, Jacopo ( -1594) (& others)
Brocardo, Jacopo ( -1594)Date: c. 1620Reference: MS.150- Archives and manuscripts
Dufeux, Jean Baptiste
Dufeux, Jean BaptisteDate: 1771; 1775Reference: MS.2227- Books
- Online
The prophecies of Paracelsus : magic figures and prognostications made by Theophrastus Paracelsus about four hundred years ago / translated by J.K. ; with introduction.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541.Date: 1915- Archives and manuscripts
[Joachim Florensis, Abbas] [1145?-1202]
Florensis, Abbas Joannes (1145?-1202)Date: Middle 17th centuryReference: MS.382- Archives and manuscripts
The oracle of the Sybils
Chaussegros, Vital, b.1769.Date: 1817Reference: MS.1561Part of: Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )- Books
Les vrayes centruries et propheties de maistre Michel Nostradamus. Où se voit representé tout ce qui c'est passé, tant en France, Espagne, Italie, Allemagne, Angleterre, qu' autres parties du monde / [Nostradamus].
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.Date: [between 1690 and 1699?]- Archives and manuscripts
Leo, Alan (1860-1917)
Leo, Alan, 1860-1917Date: c. 1900Reference: MS.3233- Books
- Online
England's timely warning-piece, or, The wonderfull prophecies of Bishop Usher, Mr. William Lilly, Dr. Partridge and Dr. Gadbury : predicting great and strange alterations to befall this climate of England very shortly : with the judgment of Mr. Lilly concerning that great and three-fold conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter this year 1682 ... / written by James Seal ; licensed according to order.
Seal, James.Date: 1682- Archives and manuscripts
Campanella, Tommaso (1568-1639)
Campanella, Tommaso, 1568-1639.Date: c. 1825Reference: MS.1447- Archives and manuscripts
Notes on the Kabbala, numerology, etc.
Chaussegros, Vital, b.1769.Date: 1832Reference: MS.1572Part of: Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )- Archives and manuscripts
Predictions of the Gaulish Sybil
Chaussegros, Vital, b.1769.Date: c. 1820Reference: MS.1563Part of: Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )- Books
- Online
Die erstaunlichen Bücher des grossen Arztes, Sehers und Schicksals-Propheten Nostradamus / in's Deutsche übertragen und em Verständnisse aufgeschlossen von Eduard Roesch.
Nostradamus, 1503-1566.Date: 1850- Archives and manuscripts
Chaussegros, Vital, b.1769.Date: 1815Reference: MS.1557Part of: Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )- Books
A defensative against the poyson of supposed prophecies. Not hitherto confuted by the pen of any man, which being grounded, either vpon the warrant and authority of old painted bookes, expositions of dreames, oracles, reuelations, inuocations of damned spirits, iudicials of astrologie, or any other kinde of pretended knowledge whatsoeuer, de futuris contingentibus; haue beene causes of great disorder in the common-wealth, especially among the simple and vnlearned people. Very needfull to be published, considering the great offence, which grew by most palpable and grosse errors in astrologie / Written by Henry Howard, late earle of Northampton ... Now newly reuised.
Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, 1540-1614.Date: 1620- Books
A discourse upon the powers of the world to come: or, the miraculous powers of the Gospel, and Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ ... To which is adjoyn'd the Great Charter for the interpretation of the prophecy of Scripture, and more particularly, of the prophetick numbers of time; evincing the Kingdom of Christ in its Succession at 1697 / [Thomas Beverley].
Beverley, Thomas.Date: 1694- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
MS Arabic 738
- Archives and manuscripts
Recueil de prédictions soi-disant authentiques
Date: 1830Reference: MS.4153- Books
A discourse concerning prodigies: wherein the vanity of presages by them is reprehended, and their true and proper ends asserted and vindicated / by John Spencer.
Spencer, John, 1630-1693.Date: 1665- Books
Commentarivs de praecipvis generibvs divinationvm, in quo a prophetiis autoritate divina traditis et a physicis conjecturis, discernuntur artes et imposturae diabolicae, atque observationes natae ex superstitione et cum hac conjunctae. Et monstrantur fontes et causae physicarum praedictionum. Diabolicae vero ac superstitiosae confutatae damnantur. Recens editus & auctus accessione multiplici / Avtore Casparo Pevcero.
Peucer, Kaspar, 1525-1602.Date: 1560- Books
Avreoli Theophrasti Paracelsi De praesagiis, vatiticinijs [sic] et diuinationibus [A]stronomica item et astrologica fragmenta lectu iucunda & vtilia / [Paracelsus].
Paracelsus, 1493-1541.Date: 1569