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Society, not Covid-19, makes us vulnerable

| Rick BurgessCarrie Ravenscroft

Rick Burgess coped with the death of his mother in February 2020 by immersing himself in the task of protecting his community from Covid-19 and challenging the government's failure to protect and support elderly and Disabled people during the pandemic.

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Cowpox, Covid-19 and Jenner’s vaccination legacy

| Owen GowerSteven Pocock

The well-known story of vaccination pioneer Edward Jenner has at its heart his drive to make vaccines free of charge and available to all. Now his principles extend to the global campaign for a people’s patent-free vaccine for Covid-19.

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Florence Nightingale, Victorian design and the treatment of Covid-19

| Iria Suárez

Discover how the design of Britain’s Nightingale hospitals, set up during the first national lockdown, is based closely on Florence Nightingale’s pioneering ideas for the most effective hospital layout.

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Our Covid complicity

| Athena StevensCarrie Ravenscroft

Athena Stevens thought she had a cold that she tried to ignore, but it turned out to be Covid-19. Here she reflects on how we have all put ourselves and others at risk with the choices we’ve made during this pandemic.

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From chef’s whites to medical scrubs

| Carmel KingKate Wilkinson

Meet the machinists who have rapidly switched from making clothing for hospitality staff to uniforms for hospital workers.

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Care, creativity and a connected world

| Christine Ro

Find out about the challenges Wellcome Collection has faced during the last very demanding year.

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Portraits, from a distance

| Michelle Sank

Join photographer Michelle Sank on her daily walk around Exeter. Strength, frustration, resilience and eccentricity all show in these candid images portraying life under the constraints of coronavirus lockdown.

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Writing in remission

| Brian DillonNaki Narh

Reading the writings of the lifelong hypochondriac Jacques Derrida during lockdown, Brian Dillon realises his own health anxiety has become unusually subdued.

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How wartime propaganda encouraged Brits to wear masks

| Jesse Olszynko-GrynCaitjan Gainty

Unlike the UK government today, Churchill’s War Ministry presented a united front on the efficacy of mask-wearing to protect people from illness. And a 1941 propaganda film helped, with striking images created using the new art of electronic flash photography.

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How to stay together while keeping apart

| Vivek H MurthyKathleen Arundell

Vivek Murthy explores how we can keep physically distant while staying emotionally connected.

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Performance art, frozen in time

| Elissavet NtouliaKathleen Arundell

For over a year, live performance art with an audience present has been largely impossible. But still images continue to allow artists in this sphere to inspire audiences at home.

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The masking tapes

| Mark ThomasHelen AtkinsonNicolas KentSusan McNicholasFranklyn Rodgers

In episode two of his coronavirus podcast, comedian Mark Thomas talks to health workers about PPE, vulnerability and the urge to protect.

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Autistic togetherness during lockdown

| Kate FoxColin Potsig

While lockdown has presented autistic people with greater challenges than life pre-COVID, many have found strength and comfort in the situation. Autistic writer and performer Kate Fox explains how.

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| Lilith (Lea) Cooper

Researcher and zine-maker Lea Cooper explores pandemic zines made by people who were often familiar with “staying at home” because of disability or chronic illness.

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Generation portraits

| Julian Germain

Photographer Julian Germain’s major project focusing on portraits of multi-generational families came to a sudden halt during the various Covid-19 lockdowns. Here families celebrate coming together again in words and images.

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Splendid isolation

| Mark ThomasHelen AtkinsonNicolas KentSusan McNicholasFranklyn Rodgers

In episode four of his lockdown podcast, comedian Mark Thomas considers the impact isolation is having on him and his mum, and on the health workers he chats to every night.

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What the nose doesn’t know

| Stephanie Howard-SmithSteven Pocock

Losing her sense of smell for over a year motivated Stephanie Howard-Smith to sniff out the history of treatments for this unsettling condition.

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A doctor, his community and coronavirus

| Gavin FrancisKieran Dodds

Reflecting on his experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, GP Gavin Francis vividly recalls a home visit to a man stricken with breathing difficulties.

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The gloves are off

| Mark ThomasHelen AtkinsonNicolas KentSusan McNicholasFranklyn Rodgers

In episode one of his new podcast, comedian Mark Thomas talks to health workers about coronavirus, care and the importance of touch.

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Coronavirus, Crohn’s and me

| Lucia Osborne-CrowleyThomas S G Farnetti

Clinically vulnerable to COVID-19, Lucia Osborne-Crowley has been shut in her flat for months. With her chronic condition transformed into a life-threatening one, she explores what the pandemic is revealing about living with long-term illness.

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Healthy scepticism

| Caitjan GaintyAgnes Arnold-ForsterPaul AddaeFranklyn Rodgers

Healthcare sceptics – like those opposed to Covid-19 vaccinations – often have serious, nuanced reasons for doubting medical authorities.

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Conflicted and confused about lithium

| Laura Grace SimpkinsMatjaž Krivic

Covid-19 left Laura Grace Simpkins out of work and living back with her parents. She now had time to restart her research into her medication, but was she mad to continue?

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Finding consolation in social isolation

| Tanya PerdikouNaomi Vona

Feeling isolated and anxious during the lockdowns of the last year, Tanya Perdikou found solace in reconnecting to her past and reaching out to neighbours in the present.

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How we visualise viruses

| Chris Mugan

Discover how images of the antigens that make us sick have evolved over time and been tailored to meet the demands of different epidemics.

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Pepys and the plague

| Surya Bowyer

Through its long history, London has survived some enormous epidemics. During the 1665 Great Plague of London, the city burned, shops closed, the streets emptied and bodies piled up. Read Samuel Pepys’s account of how the city pulled through.