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2,643 results
  • Spleen 3 days after immunisation
  • Spleen 3 days after immunisation
  • Spleen 3 days after immunisation
  • Developing mouse embryo days 1-4
  • Mouse blastocyst 3.5 days after fertilisation
  • Contraceptive pill - pack showing days+ pill
  • Cat - rodent ulcer two days after freezing
  • Stomach, ten days after poisoning with sulphuric acid
  • Engraving: Growth of chick embryo at days 19-20, 1625.
  • Engraving: Growth of chick embryo at days 21-24, 1625.
  • TAF (acid-fast bacilli) opacity photographs: 4 days to settle
  • Dysentery with typhoid fever, portions of intestine after 14 days
  • A nurse, advertising hospital open days. Process print, ca. 1960.
  • Total service : 24 hours, 365 days / from Tricity Bendix.
  • Eruption on the skin appearing nine or ten days after vaccination
  • Betnovate : contact dermatitis cleared in seven days with Betnovate Cream.
  • Betnovate : contact dermatitis cleared in seven days with Betnovate Cream.
  • Betnovate : contact dermatitis cleared in seven days with Betnovate Cream.
  • Betnovate : contact dermatitis cleared in seven days with Betnovate Cream.
  • Betnovate : contact dermatitis cleared in seven days with Betnovate Cream.
  • One injection up to 4 days of adequate penicillin activity : Benapen.
  • One injection up to 4 days of adequate penicillin activity : Benapen.
  • Some elderly patients wistfully reminisce about their younger days. Coloured lithograph by A. de Valmont.
  • Hot cakes for cold days : rolls, buns, girdle cakes and scones / Margarine Cookery Service.
  • Total service : 24 hours, 365 days : unique after sales service / from Tricity Bendix.
  • Total service : 24 hours, 365 days : unique after sales service / from Tricity Bendix.
  • Hot cakes for cold days : rolls, buns, girdle cakes and scones / Margarine Cookery Service.
  • The angel of God bringing three days of pestilence as atonement for David's sins. Woodcut.
  • Thomas Sydenham [?]: cartouche inscribed in Spanish with saints' days. Line engraving with MS notes.
  • Total service : 24 hours, 365 days : unique after sales service / from Tricity Bendix.