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Doris Day blows against

| Dodie BellamyMichael Salu

Dodie Bellamy remembers a heady summer watching Doris Day grimace and gust in vintage movies, her expressive exhalations changing her onscreen world with a puff.

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Every day

| Rob Bidder

Dreaming about days lost to work...

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Chemotherapy-day drawings

| Clare Smith

Undergoing treatment for bowel cancer, artist Clare Smith produced around 70 abstract drawings while sitting in the chemotherapy chair. She reflects on how creativity can bring respite in a crisis.

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Vivid nights, dream-filled days

| Katie da Cunha LewinVane MG

Each night, intense and memorable dreams create another life for Katie da Cunha Lewin. Find out how her waking and dreaming selves have become enmeshed, allowing her powerful self-knowledge.

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Refugee health on a pound a day

| Vanesha Kirita SinghBenjamin Gilbert

Two refugees living a hand-to-mouth existence in the UK explain how trauma has affected their health, and how a little kindness is bringing them hope.

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“Each day brought a new obstacle I hadn’t considered”

| Haydn Gardner

I'm a 25-year-old autistic artist from Manchester. I have just moved from my first home away from my parents to a new apartment.

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I'm taking it 1 to 3 days at a time

| Lesley Imgart

Are you ready to make plans yet?

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Sniffing glue and Scientology in the DrugScope archive

| Gwendolyn Smith

Academics on hallucinogenics, kids sniffing glue, and Scientologists recruiting drug users keen to kick the habit. Delve into Wellcome’s recently acquired DrugScope archive.

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Living with early onset Parkinson’s

| Pete Langman

Ten years ago, three little words changed Pete Langman’s world.

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Happiness in time

| Kate WilkinsonLaurindo Feliciano

Trying to define happiness is like trying to grasp water: it evades us, constantly changing and becoming evident only in retrospect.

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Mistakes and perfect medicine

| The Secret GP

This week our anonymous GP reflects on how a mistake made in a busy, stressful environment could have had serious consequences.

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The blood notebooks

| Rupert Thomson

Novelist Rupert Thomson explores his unusual behaviour during a time of self-imposed isolation.

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Shakespeare and the four humours

| Nelly Ekström

Blood. Phlegm. Black bile. Yellow bile. The theory of the four humours informed many of Shakespeare's best-known characters, including the phlegmatic Falstaff.

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The blight of the ballooning blood vessels

| Thomas MorrisEmily Evans

In 1817 an emergency operation on a London porter was hailed a ‘success’ despite the patient’s swift demise. Find out how this case became a landmark in vascular surgery.

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Questioning the psychoanalyst

| Maggie Robbins

Maggie Robbins gives her personal take on the common misconceptions around her field of work.

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Blood money: Taking periods out of poverty

Periods are not a wound that needs to heal, nor is the blood a sign of injury. So why are we still so repelled by them?

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When a private pee is a public disgrace

| Lezlie LoweAdam Summerscales

The free pee is getting rarer. And the lack of suitably equipped disabled toilets is condemning people to lives cloistered away in their own homes. Discover how toilet access for all is part of an equal society.

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How injury changed my brain

| Meg FozzardKathleen Arundell

Meg Fozzard, who experienced a brain injury in her 20s, writes about the huge impact it's had on her life, and talks to others with similar injuries.

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Birth, babies and boxes of memories

| Erin BeestonNaomi Williams

With memories of her baby in neonatal intensive care still fresh, Erin Beeston decides to unearth the poignant objects her family kept following births, going back as far as Victorian times.

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The tale of the toxic kidneys

| Thomas MorrisEmily Evans

In 1954 a serendipitous coming together of skills and circumstances allowed the first successful organ transplant to take place. Read how Richard Herrick’s life was prolonged by his identical twin’s generosity.

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A story of death, trauma and austerity

| Marienna Pope-Weidemann

Marienna Pope-Weidemann, whose teenage cousin Gaia died after going missing, advocates a rethink of our systems, which currently fail many in mental distress.

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Hyperfocus and hobbies

| Alex ChanSteven Pocock

Alex Chan talks about the power of ADHD-associated hyperfocus and how they’ve become wary of feeding it too often.

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Finding the ‘men’ in mental health

| Sam Lloyd

Explore how ideas about masculinity have influenced the way men talk about and experience their mental health, from the 1800s to today.

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Nymphomania and hypersexuality in women and men

| Taryn Cain

The history of nymphomania is closely bound with society's views on women and their sexuality.

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Votive offerings for healing

| Louisa McKenzie

Votive offerings, known as ex-votos, have been a vibrant part of devotional practice since ancient times and, Louisa McKenzie suggests, they still have a place in the secular world of today.