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STT Tour of Play Well

  • Free
  • Gallery tour
  • Speech-to-text
Photograph of a Visitor Experience Assistant conducting a speech to text tour of an exhibition at Wellcome Collection. She is talking into a phone whilst the visitors read a transcription of what she is saying from a tablet screen.
A speech to text tour at Wellcome Collection, Thomas SG Farnetti. Source: Wellcome Collection. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

What you’ll do

Join your guide Yasmeen for a tour of the Play Well exhibition. You’ll explore the themes of gender and society through some of the objects on display, such as the Barbie dolls, and you'll hear about theories of childhood and learning and how they relate to play.

Your guide will be using speech-to-text technology and there will be a drawing game during this tour.



Need to know


We’ll meet at the Information Point, which is on level 0, directly in front of you as you enter Wellcome Collection.


This event will be live-transcribed. The captions will be displayed on a screen in-venue.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

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About your guide

Young woman sitting by a vase of flowers in an outdoor courtyard

Yasmeen Abdel Majeed

Yasmeen is a is a Visitor Experience Assistant at Wellcome Collection, and is trained in speech-to-text touring.