'S. neavei eradication onchocerciasis', 1947-1953,1978

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Garnham, Professor Percy Cyril Claude
  • Archives and manuscripts

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KENYA: Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Dr J M D Roberts, McMAHON, J: Kisumu, Kenya, Guildford, Plymouth and Bournemouth, WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION: Section of Endemo-Epidemic Diseases;M Giaquinto, SERVICE, Dr M W: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE: Communicable DiseaseCenter; Technical Development Services, Savannah; S W Simmons, NATURE, McMAHON, J: to Nature: editor, COLONIAL INSECTICIDES COMMITTEE: Imperial Institute: H.J. Holman , NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND, W McG Eager, Secretary- General, HAWKING, F: Medical Research Council, ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE: P. Manson-Bahr (Sec), MITCHELL COTTS & CO LTD to Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY: A D Hess, Chief, Biology, Staff, FAIRCHILD, G B: Gorgas Memoiral Institute, Washington DC

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