Trustees Board Minutes, 2005

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Genetic Alliance UK
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Agenda and Minutes, 18 January 2005. Includes Director's report, Assistant Director's report, Artist-in -Residence report, reports on Jeans for Genes funding, GIG in Wales, and ethnic monitoring, along with a copy of the 2004-2005 Genetic Interest Group strategic plan.

Agenda and Minutes, 15 March 2005. Includes Director's report, Assistant Director's report, brief paper on umbilical stem cells, and draft submission to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority consultation on Tomorrow's Children.

Agenda and Minutes, 17 May 2005. Includes Director's report, Assistant Director's report, information about Eurogentest, and draft submission on the Nuffield Council on Bioethics consultation paper on "The Ethics of prolonging life in fetuses and the newborn."

Agenda and Minutes, 26 July 2005. Includes Director's report, Assistant Director's report, draft annual report, draft conference agenda, and report on stem cell research.

Agenda and Minutes, 6 September 2005. Includes information about planned staff awaydays.

Minutes, 11 October 2005.

Agenda and Minutes, 8 November 2005. Includes dates for 2006 meetings, Director's report, Assistant Director's report, along with reports from other staff, and discussion paper for Jeans for Genes board.



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1 File

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    Closed stores

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