General correspondence
- Date:
- 1945-1959
- Reference:
- PP/CDW/A.23
- Part of:
- Williams, Cicely Delphine (1893-1992)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Correspondents include:
Secretary of State for the Colonies, printed letter [?to all Singapore interness}; George VI [form letter]; Jee Suan Kee; Bernard W William; H C Trowell; Thalia Hadjigrocopion, Mary [illegible], Spiro Andoniades; T R Williams; Dr Richard W B Ellis; T F Fox, The Lancet; John Waterlow; John A Ryle; Dr med Hariz Avcin; Prof F A E Crew;Vernon W Lippard; Margaret H Harper; Vajyur Lehmus; Dr A Helen Martikainen; Dr Hyacinth Lightbourne; Alain Gille, UNESCO; Dr Martha Eliot; Noel Maine; Sharyn Pandit; James R Wilson, Council on Foods and Nutrition of the American Medical Association; A Laurence; George E Simpson; Dr Janet Welch Mackie; Dr Kenneth Martin, Bureau of Research in Medicine and Hygiene, Nairobi; Marjorie Stewart; Dr Mervyn Susser; C J Jeffries, Colonial Office (invitation to serve on Advisory Committee on Social Development in the Colonies); Marcia M Cooper; Sam Wayburne; Dorothy M Collins; L Wills; Richard W Smith, Sigerist Society; Southall; John Gerrard; Janet Vaughan; L Farrer-Brown, Nuffield Foundation; James M Lister, Territorial Medical Headquarters, Tanganyika; Elspeth Warwick; H J Wright, Ilseh Wesley Guild Hospital, Nigeria; J R Rose, Methodist Missionary Hospital, Segbwema, Sierra Leone; Athol J Patterson; A T A Learmonth; Norman M B Dean, St Margaret's Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria; Dr C Elaine Field, General Hospital, Singapore; Dr John Cameron, City Health Office, Singapore; Tom Stapleton; Dr M E MacGregory, Tropical Paediatrics subcommittee, British Paediatric Association; Donald [? Hunter]; A Dubois, Societe Belge de Medicine Tropicale; Ralph Bolton, Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland; "Dick", Makerere Collge/Mulago Hospital, Uganda
Physical description
1 file
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores