Stein - Stockam

Part of:
Vogt, Dr Marthe Louise (1903-2003)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Comprises correspondence with or about the following:

- Stein, Kurt

- Steinberg, Dr D, National Heart Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA regarding experiments on the adreno-cortical secretory capacity of rats and results with cholesterone

- Steinberg, Professor Hannah, Pharmacology Department, University College London including re Mr M Shapero's experiments with a "sex drug" and concern about publishing data on the increased sexual activity in administered monkeys; Steinberg's problems getting access to her labs at UCL in 1979 -with copy of Marthe Vogt's letter to UCL Provost Elect appealing on her behalf - and Steinberg's eventual transfer to the Psychology Department; short paper co-authored by Steinberg 'Clenbuterol/Chlordiasepoxide induced backward walking in mice is modified by mild stress', 1986

- Sterling Poultry Products Limited, Little Downham, Cambridgeshire regarding the name of breed of 1 day old chicks supplied for experiments

- Stern, Prof Dr P, Institute of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia including regarding an invitation to Marthe Vogt to attend the International Symposium on Substance P, Sarajevo, 1961

- Stewart, Dr Harold, Department of Pharmacology, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, University of London regarding a celebratory dinner for Basil Verney

- Stileman, Richard, Methuen and Co Limited, Publishers, London regarding new publications on research in the field of 'brain science'

- Stille, Professor G, [Institute for Public Health Medicine], Berlin, (East) Germany regarding an invitation to Vogt to attend the Institute's centenary celebrations

- Stoakes, Miss C M, Pharmacological Department, Boots Pure Drug Company Limited, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire regarding the birth dates of rats supplied to Marthe Vogt for experiments

- Stockham, Michael A, Sherrington School of Physiology, St Thomas's Hospital, London



Physical description

1 file

Finding aids

Manuscripts and Archives online catalogue


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    Closed stores

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