Untitled and undated typescript (with corrections) beginning "The coding problem is essentially a theoretical problem..." and ending (p. 15) with an opposite conclusion: "As far as we can see the coding problem is now an experimental problem and the role of theory will be to organize and make sense of the facts as they come out of the laboratory."
At the head of the first page, the name of the Polish geneticist Boris "Ephrussi" is marked in pencil. A productive discussion on species difference with Ephrussi at Woods Hole in the summer of 1954 is referred to in the typescript (p. 2), and also in Crick, What Mad Pursuit (1988), p. 103.
The typescript, which discusses "the relationship between nucleic acids and proteins" (p. 1), appears to be the basis of a talk. Remarks within the text (e.g. p. 14: "[Mahlon] Hoagland and I have been working on this system for the past year") suggest the talk was delivered in 1957. See Sydney Brenner, My Life in Science (2001), p. 68.